Quality and Risk Management Introductory Guide

In this assignment, you will demonstrate the skill of risk management by evaluating appropriate decision-making processes in risk and quality management as you prepare an introductory guide on the basic concepts of risk and quality management. You will apply the risk- and quality-management concepts you’ve learned to the health care industry.


Assignment Directions

Create a 1,000 – 1,500-word quality- and risk-management introductory guide. Include the following sections in your guide: (Headings are required for each element of the assignment.) Quality and Risk Management Introductory Guide

  • Overview

Explain the basic concepts of quality improvement in the health care industry.

Explain the basic concepts of risk management in the health care industry.



  • Decision-Making Processes

Explain the information needed for making risk-management and quality-management decisions in the health care industry. Consider the following in your explanation:

How do you identify your areas of concern?

What data do you need to validate your concerns?

What process or methods do you use to ensure consistency in making evidence-based decisions?


  • Risk-Management Tools and Strategies

Evaluate 2 risk-management tools or strategies used in the health care industry. Include the following:

Explain the purpose of each tool or strategy.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of the tools or strategies you selected.


Evaluate 2 quality-management tools or strategies used in the health care industry. Include the following:

Explain the purpose of each tool or strategy Quality and Risk Management Introductory Guide.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of the tools or strategies you selected.


  • Summary

Explain challenges in applying risk- and quality-management decisions in the health care industry.


Make sure to use headings for each of the five major elements and subheadings for requirements included under each major element. The instructor will need to easily locate the information in your guide in the order presented above.


Cite references to support your assignment.


Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines Quality and Risk Management Introductory Guide