Infrastructure and Technology Upgrade Plan Assignment

Infrastructure and Technology Upgrade Plan Assignment

You are the Director at a public health facility in a remote town and have been awarded a S1.5 million-dollar grant to update the infrastructure at your facility. This will include upgrades to the technology to be able to provide services to a higher percentage of the population.

Address the following requirements:

Discuss in a strategic plan of action the steps and measures you will take to achieve this outcome.

Further, discuss in detail, the technology and tools that you would integrate into the planning infrastructure and the intended uses and benefits of these tools and technology. Infrastructure and Technology Upgrade Plan Assignment

Be sure to discuss the individuals responsible for implementing and overseeing each step of the process.


should meet the following requirements:

Four-to-five pages in length, not including the title or reference pages.

Formatted per APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University standards.

Provide support for your work with in-text citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles.

Provide full APA references for the sources used on a reference page, along with appropriate in-text citations.

Utilize headings to organize the content in your work. Infrastructure and Technology Upgrade Plan Assignment

HCM520 Critical Thinking Writing Rubric – Module 3

Exceeds Expectation

Meets Expectation Below Expectation Limited Evidence

Content, Research, and Analysis

21-25 Points 16-20 Points 11-15 Points 6-10 Points

Requirements Exceeds Expectation – Includes all of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

Meets Expectation – Includes most of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

Below Expectation – Includes some of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

Limited Evidence – Includes few of the required components, as specified in the assignment.

21-25 Points 16-20 Points 11-15 Points 6-10 Points

Content Exceeds Expectation – Demonstrates substantial and extensive knowledge of the materials, with no errors or major omissions.

Meets Expectation – Demonstrates adequate knowledge of the materials; may include some minor errors or omissions.

Below Expectation – Demonstrates fair knowledge of the materials and/or includes some major errors or omissions.

Limited Evidence – Fails to demonstrate knowledge of the materials and/or includes many major errors or omissions. Infrastructure and Technology Upgrade Plan Assignment

25-30 Points 19-24 Points 13-18 Points 7-12 Points

Analysis Exceeds Expectation – Provides strong thought, insight, and analysis of concepts and applications.

Meets Expectation – Provides adequate thought, insight, and analysis of concepts and applications.

Below Expectation – Provides poor thought, insight, and analysis of concepts and applications.

Limited Evidence – Provides little or no thought, insight, and analysis of concepts and applications.

13-15 Points 10-12 Points 7-9 Points 4-6 Points

Sources Exceeds Expectation – Sources go above and beyond required criteria, and are well chosen to provide effective substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.

Meets Expectation – Sources meet required criteria and are adequately chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.

Below Expectation – Sources meet required criteria, but are poorly chosen to provide substance and perspectives on the issue under examination.

Limited Evidence – Source selection and integration of knowledge from the course is clearly deficient.

Mechanics and Writing

5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 1-2 Points

Demonstrates college-level proficiency in

Exceeds Expectation – Project is clearly

Meets Expectation – Project is fairly well organized and

Below Expectation – Project is poorly organized and

Limited Evidence – Project is not organized or well

HCM520 Critical Thinking Writing Rubric – Module 3

organization, grammar and style. Infrastructure and Technology Upgrade Plan Assignment

organized, well written, and in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Strong sentence and paragraph structure; contains no errors in grammar, spelling, APA style, or APA citations and references.

written, and is in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Reasonably good sentence and paragraph structure; may include a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, APA style, or APA citations and references.

written, and may not follow proper format as outlined in the assignment. Inconsistent to inadequate sentence and paragraph development, and/or includes numerous or major errors in grammar, spelling, APA style, or APA citations and references.

written, and is not in proper format as outlined in the assignment. Poor quality work; unacceptable in terms of grammar, spelling, APA style, and APA citations and references.

Total points possible = 100. Infrastructure and Technology Upgrade Plan Assignment