SOC 449 Week 5 Assessment Tool Worksheet Assignment Paper -GCU

SOC 449 Week 5 Assessment Tool Worksheet Assignment Paper -GCU

SOC 449 Week 5 Assessment Tool Worksheet Assignment Paper -GCU

Assessment Tool Worksheet Assignment Paper

Details: For this assignment, complete the “Assessment Tool Worksheet.” Use the worksheet to list the appropriate assessment tool(s) you would use for the provided client situation and population. Assessment Tool Worksheet Assignment Paper

While APA style is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and reference Students should use the Academic Writing Resource located in the course materials folder.


SOC-449 Assessment Tool Worksheet

For this assignment, list the appropriate assessment tool(s) you would use for the provided client situation and population. Provide your reasoning for the assessment tool you listed citing two to four sources to support your reasoning:

While APA format is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Students should use the Academic Writing Resource located in the course materials folder.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Turn in the completed assignment by the end of Topic 5.

Client Situation and Population Assessment Tool
Valerie from “Getting Back to Shakopee” video (Topic 1 folder in MindTap) Native American woman struggles with low self-esteem and alcoholism. Tool: 


Marta Ramirez case study (in Chapter 1 of the textbook)–Hispanic lower socioeconomic status woman. Tool: 


Carl video (Topic 7 folder in MindTap)- Middle-aged heroin addict Tool: 


Greg video (Topic 3 folder in MindTap)- Young adult arrested for DUI. Tool: 


Rosetta video (Topic 5 folder in MindTap)-Middle-aged African American female with young adult lesbian daughter. Tool: 




SOC 449 Week 7 Treatment and Intervention Plan-GCU


View the “Carl Case Study”, “Lillian Case Study”, and the “Keeping Confidence: Suicide” videos located in the Topic 7 folder in MindTap. Select one to use for this assignment. Be sure to take notes on the intake information presented at the beginning of the case in the selected video. SOC 449 Week 5 Assessment Tool Worksheet Assignment Paper -GCU

After you have viewed all three videos, select one to create a possible treatment plan (500-750 words) for the case study that includes only the following sections:

Describe the presented problem.

Explain the identified problem.

Explain the client’s interpersonal systems and the impact on the client.

Propose some possible client goals and possible barriers to change.

Explain possible intervention ideas, including possible group types.

Defend your plan citing two to four sources.Assessment Tool Worksheet Assignment Paper

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

SOC-449 Topic 7: Treatment and Intervention Plan Scoring Guide.

SOC 449 Week 1 Social Phenomena Sample Essay

A social phenomenon can be defined as behavior that influences or is influenced by a client. When dealing with a client it is important to understand their behavior and why they are behaving like that. In this essay, the social phenomenons apparent in the video, “Home for the Holidays” will be explained. As well as theories a social worker needs to be familiar with in order to help a client in their situation. This essay will also include the ways a social worker can use the theories to help the client work through their social phenomena and identify the appropriate principles that align with ethical practice in the video “Home for the Holidays”.

Social Phenomenons that were apparent and presented to the social worker, in this case, were the couple trying to figure out where they should spend the holidays at. Ana doesn’t feel comfortable at Jackie’s house because she feels Jackie’s family isn’t as welcome of the fact they are gay. Ana asks why should she have to compromise herself for Jackie’s family. Jackie’s behavior towards going home is a little selfish because she doesn’t want her family to kick her out because she is gay. However, Ana is trying to explain to Jackie that if she talks to her family about being gay they are more likely to be more open to the idea of them as a couple.SOC 449 Week 5 Assessment Tool Worksheet Assignment Paper -GCU


A social worker should be familiar with the psychosocial theory, systems theory, Pargament’s theory of religious coping, and lastly be comfortable with the ecological systems model. The psychosocial theory, “focuses on the ways that individuals are shaped by and react to their social environment” (Campbellsville, 2019). This theory can help the client work through their social phenomenas by showing them the social environment is having a negative or positive effect on their behavior and how they are being shaped. An example from the video can be when Jackie is talking about the environment she grew up in and Ana points out how she is so much like her family. She is like her family because she grew up surrounded by them. Systems theory, “states that behavior is influenced by a variety of factors that work together as a system” (Campbellsville, 2019). This theory can be used by the social worker to figure out the factors that are working together to influence the client’s behavior. Pargament’s theory of religious coping may be another theory a social worker should be familiar with as it might help people who are dealing with tough issues find their answers in religion. This theory has five major functions, “to discover meaning, to garner control, to acquire comfort by virtue of closeness to God, to achieve closeness with others and to transform life” (Xi, 2016). Lastly, it may be helpful for a social worker to understand a client’s ecological systems model. This model makes, “a close conceptual fit with the “person-in-environment” perspective that dominated social work…” (Hepworth, Rooney, Rooney, & Strom-Godfried, 2016). By using the ecological systems model the social worker will be able to understand the client’s background and their surrounding environment.

The NASW Code of Ethics, “is intended to serve as a guide to the everyday professional conduct of social workers” (NASW, 2020). There are six values in the NASW Code of Ethics which include, service, social justice, dignity and worth of a person, importance of human relationship, integrity and, competence. In this video “Home for the Holidays”, the principles that align with ethical practice in this case study include service, social justice, the importance of human relationship, and integrity. The first service is important in this case because a social worker’s primary goal is to help people in need and address any social problems they are dealing with. Next social justice is important in this case because the couple is part of a discriminated group. This case also aligns with the principle of the importance of human relationships. The couple was sacrificing their relationship for other relationships, causing a weak relationship between Ana and Jackie. The social worker was able to see that and thought of ways to help make their relationship stronger. Lastly, integrity, the social worker behaved in a trustworthy manner and communicated openly to the clients about what would and wouldn’t be shared.

Social workers need to be able to identify how social contractions influence a client’s life. Each client will have different ways of expressing social phenomenas happening in their life and it is important to understand their behavior and why they are behaving like that.


Campbellsville. (2019, July 29). 5 Social Work Theories That Inform Practice. Retrieved from

Hepworth, D. H., Rooney, R. H., Rooney, G. D., & Strom-Godfried, K. (2016). Direct social work practice: Theory and skills (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN-13: 9781305833803.URL:

NASW. (2020). About. Retrieved from

Xu, J. (2016). Pargament’s theory of religious coping: Implications for spiritually sensitive social work practice. British Journal of Social Work46(5), 1394–1410.