N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

Module 3 Assignment: Information Retrieval Paper – Part 1
Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the close of Module 3.

Name Date:
Overview: “Information Retrieval Paper – Part 1”

This Module you will begin to develop an Information Retrieval Paper. This Assignment focuses on identifying appropriate evidence-based nursing practices related to specific problems you may identify as you work in the healthcare/workplace setting.

The goals of an Information Retrieval Paper are to (1) practice using APA format, (2) summarize and examine the strengths and limitations of research articles, and (3) prepare you for the Nursing Research Course where you will write a research paper using the skills you have learned completing this Information Retrieval Paper. Each week, you are using the template provided, do not create a new word document. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5.

As a part of your Information Retrieval Paper, you will begin development of a research question using PICO format. Chapter 9 of the Role Development textbook explains PICO. Be sure to develop your research question and then just below your research question delineate what the P, I, C, and O components of your question are.

For this Module 3 Assignment you will prepare a Title Page in proper APA format for your Information Retrieval Paper, identify three peer-reviewed articles, and summarize each article using APA format.

It may be helpful to look at the outline for the entire paper before you begin this Module’s Assignment. Assignments in this Module plus in Modules 4 and 5 will address the Information Retrieval Paper.



APA Modules:

1). UTA Library formatting guide: click the left-hand side menu under “home” to find resources and examples to help you. Please note, we are using the Professional Paper guidelines.


2). Purdue Writing Center: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

3). UTA Library: http://libraries.uta.edu/video/instruction/apaformatting/intro.htm

Review your course readings, lecture, and your Module 2 Resources before completing this module’s Assignment.

Performance Objectives

Identify a clinical problem in your workplace setting.
Develop an appropriate research question using PICO criteria and format.
Summarize 3 peer-reviewed, evidence-based articles/literature related to your clinical problem and research question. Articles must have been published within the past 5 years, unless they are a classic source.
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format expected in writing professional papers.
Rubric and PICO Format

Use this rubric to guide work on the Module 3 assignment, “Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1.”

Research question must be stated in PICO format. See Chapter 9 of the Role Development textbook for the formatting. Be sure to address all four PICO components of the question. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5


Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement
Task #1- Problem Identification
Research Question
Rationale for QuestionMust be constructed in the PICO format.

(Total 40 points)

Identifies a clinical problem in the workplace that would be under a nurse’s control in 2-3 well written sentences (15 points)

Clearly states question and completes PICO format. Problem, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome is appropriately stated. (15 points)



Clearly explains why research question was chosen (10 points)

Identifies a clinical problem in the workplace but it is not under the control of a nurse OR problem is stated in 1 sentence (8 points)

Research question is stated and in PICO format but problem, intervention, comparator, and/or outcome are not clearly stated. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

(12 points)



Rationale is not clearly stated for the selection of a research question. (8 points)

Does not clearly identify a clinical problem in the workplace.
(0 points)



Does not state question OR does not use PICO format when delineating the research question.

(5 points)




Provides no rationale for the selection of a research question. (0 points)

Task #2- Title Page (Total 10 points) Develops title page components in APA format with no errors. (10 points) Develops title page components in APA format with 1-2 errors. (7 points) Does not use Title Page or creates title page with more than 3 errors. (0 pts)

Task #3- APA References and Summaries

Summarize peer-reviewed, evidence-based literature related to a clinical problem.
(Total 30 points)






Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers. (Total 20 points)

Answers 2 questions in overview (Where did you search for articles? How did you decide what articles to include?)

(5 points)


Clearly and concisely summarizes 3 professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question. Articles have been published within the past 5 years (25 points)




Consistently uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (no errors).


(20 points)

Answers 1 question in overview

(3 points)


Briefly summarizes 3 professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question. However, summaries are not clearly stated leading to confusion of the article addressed. (20 points)



Uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (1-3 errors).



Does not respond in overview section

(0 points)


Summarizes 1 or 2 professional, peer-reviewed articles that address a research question. (15 points)


Articles are not peer reviewed

OR Articles are > 5 years old


Does not use correct mechanics and/or APA format in writing papers (4-5 errors).


(10 points)


Does not use correct mechanics and/or APA format in writing papers (6 + errors). N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

(0 points)

Preview of Information Retrieval Paper Criteria

In this module’s assignment, you will take the initial steps in composing an Information Retrieval Paper that you will complete in Modules 4 and 5. You are only completing the highlighted red sections this week. Because the assignment will be submitted in sections, may want to look at the entire paper in the table below, this gives you can overall idea of the 3-part assignment.

Content Criteria Timeline
Task #1- (Introduction)
A. Identification of clinical problem in a workplace setting

B. Research question stated correctly

PICO format

C. Rationale for question

D. Discussion board

E. Revision if necessary

Task #2-

Title page

Task #3-

Overview: Where did you search? How did you decide on the 3 articles?

Article #1- APA reference, summary

Article #2- APA reference, summary

Article #3- APA reference, summary

To Be Completed Module 3 (Now)
Critical Analysis
Completeness of analysis

To Be Completed Module 4
Synthesis of key points for the 3 articles

To Be Completed Module 5
Reference Page

Sources cited in APA format

References complete

To Be Completed Module 5

Task #1- Research Problem and Question using PICO Format

In the space below, identify the clinical problem in the workplace setting that will serve as the focus of your information retrieval paper. Make sure that the problem is one that would be under your complete control as a nurse. Summarize your thoughts, what would you like to see changed? Write 2-3 well written sentences for full credit. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5
Clinical Problem (Type in box below)


In the space below, compose a preliminary research question about the clinical problem that you identified in the workplace. Use this criteria in composing a preliminary research question:
– Question must relate to a clinical problem in the workplace.

– Question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no.

– The issue to be studied is under your complete control as a nurse.

– The question is open ended.

Delineate the PICO components of your question.

Preliminary Research Question and Identified PICO Criteria (Type in box below)

State your question

Now, fill in the PICO format in each text box
P (problem) =

I (intervention) =

C (comparator) =

O (outcome) =


P (Problem) =

I (Intervention) =

C (Comparator) =

O (Outcome)=

Why did you chose this? Compose rationale below.
Rationale for Selecting the Research Question (Type in box below)

After completing this portion of the Assignment, go to this module’s Discussion,
and follow the directions for sharing your research question. After receiving feedback from your colleagues, revise your research question, if necessary, in the space provided.
Revised Research Question (Type in box below)

Complete after participating in the Module 3 Discussion. Type your revised Research Question in the box provided below. If no revision is needed, please restate your question here. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

Task #2- Title Page Components

In this part of the Assignment, you will complete the title page for your Information Retrieval Paper by using the example shown below.


***use the space on the page below as an example format- take the information, delete it, and replace with yours.


For additional guidance, refer to these two websites to view title page guidelines-





This Should be Your Unique Title Which Summarizes Your Main Idea.

It Needs to be Title Case, Bold, Double Spaced and 3-4 Lines Down from the Top Margin.


Your Name


Institution Name


Course Number and Name


Faculty’s Name


Assignment Due Date


Task #3- APA References and Summaries

Select three peer-reviewed, evidence-based articles that address your research question.
Articles must be published within the past 5 years (unless it is a classic source).
Compose an overview about your choice of the three articles. Answer these questions:
Where did you search for articles?
How did you decide what articles to include?
Post references to the three articles in APA format.
Summarize the article and how it addresses your research question.

Where did you search for articles? How did you decide what articles to include?

1). Where did you search for the articles?

2). How did you decide what articles to include?

Article 1

In the space below, post the reference for the first article in correct APA format.N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5


In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making process you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style.

Article 2

In the space below, post the reference for the second article in correct APA format.

In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making process you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style.

Article 3

In the space below, post the reference for the third article in correct APA format.

In the space below, write a summary paragraph in APA format. Use scholarly writing to describe the article, the decision-making process you used to select the article, and how it addresses your research question. Use professional writing style.

Submit this Assignment Document into Canvas for grading.

N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5 Module 4 Assignment: Information Retrieval Paper – Part 2
Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the close of Module 4.

Name Date:
Overview: “Information Retrieval Paper – Part 2”

In Module 4 Assignment, you will continue to work on your Information Retrieval Paper. The focus of this Part 2 of the Information Retrieval Paper is complete a critical analysis of each of your chosen articles. Space is provided in this document for you to enter your analysis of each article using the correct APA format. Each week, you are using the template provided, do not create a new word document.


Performance Objectives

Critically analyze a research article for strengths and limitations.
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.

Use this rubric to guide your work on the Module 4 assignment, “Retrieval Paper – Part 2.”

ê Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement Missing Information
Part 2: Information Retrieval Paper – Part 2
(Total 100 points) Critically analyze a research article for strengths and limitations.
(Total 60 points)


References and APA-

Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.

Use of in-text citations

(Total 40 points)

Critically analyzes 3 research articles for strengths and limitations.
(60 points)


Consistently uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (0 APA errors in references and 0 grammatical errors).

(30 points)


Uses 3 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts.


(10 points)

Critically analyzes 2 research articles for strengths and limitations.
(40 points)



Uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (1-2 APA errors in references and/or 1-2 grammatical errors noted).

(25 points)


Uses 2 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts OR 1-2 APA errors r/t citations

(7 points) N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

Analyzes 1 research article.
(20 points)


3-4 APA errors in references and/or 3-4 grammatical errors noted.

(15 points)




Uses 1 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts OR 3-4 APA errors r/t citations

(3 points)


Does not analyze any articles

(0 points)



Does not use correct mechanics and/or APA format (more than 5 APA errors in references and/or more than 5 grammatical errors noted). N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

(0 points)

No use of in-text citations to support thoughts OR >5 APA errors r/t citations

(0 points)


Week 4 Application

Information Retrieval Paper: Part 2

In this week’s assignment, you will complete your Information Retrieval Paper. Review the outline for the entire assignment before you begin.

APA Format Elements Timeline
Title Page in APA format Completion Timeline
APA format
Citations in the body of the paper


Applicable each time sections are submitted
Writing style


Paragraphs of at least three well-written sentences

Organization and flow

Applicable each time sections are submitted
Content Criteria Timeline
Identification of clinical problem in a workplace setting

Research question stated correctly

Rationale for question

Completed Module 3
Summary of 3 peer-reviewed articles
Overview: Where did you search? How did you decide on the 3 articles?

3 article summaries

Completed Module 3
Critical Analysis
Completeness of analysis

Complete in Module 4 (now)
Synthesis of key points for the 3 articles

To be completed Module 5
Reference Page

Sources cited in APA format

References complete

To be completed Module 5


Part 2: Information Retrieval Paper – Part 2

Guidelines for Critical Analysis of an Article

You completed your article summaries in Module 3. The next step is to complete a critical analysis of each article. For each article, ask yourself these questions when completing this section of your Information Retrieval Paper.

What were the strengths of the research? Were a significant number of participants studied in an appropriate setting that can be applied in a broader sense?
What were the limitations of the research? Was the environment controlled?
What did the author leave out?
Were barriers identified and addressed?
Could the findings be implemented with purpose and expected outcomes?
Article 1

In the space below, post the reference for the first article in correct APA format. If you made errors in formatting your reference for this article in Module 3, now is the time to make the appropriate changes so you do not make the same formatting error over and over. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

In the space below, write a one-paragraph critique of your first research article. Apply correct APA format and scholarly writing style as you critique the article’s strengths and limitations related to your stated research question. Use 1 correctly cited in-text citation for full credit.

Article 2

In the space below, post the reference for the second article in correct APA format If you made errors in formatting your reference for this article in Module 3, now is the time to make the appropriate changes so you do not make the same formatting error over and over.

In the space below, write a one-paragraph critique of your second research article. Apply correct APA format and scholarly writing style as you critique the article’s strengths and limitations related to your stated research question. Use 1 correctly cited in-text citation for full credit.

Article 3

In the space below, post the reference for the third article in correct APA format. If you made errors in formatting your reference for this article in Module 3, now is the time to make the appropriate changes so you do not make the same formatting error over and over. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5


In the space below, write a one-paragraph critique of your third research article. Apply correct APA format and scholarly writing style as you critique the article’s strengths and limitations related to your stated research question. Use 1 correctly cited in-text citation for full credit.

Submit this Assignment Document into Canvas for grading.

Module 5 Assignment – Information Retrieval Paper, Part 3
Submit by 2359 Saturday at the close of Module 5 (Last week of the course)

Name Date:
Overview: “Information Retrieval Paper: Part 3”

This week, you will complete Part 3 of the Information Retrieval Paper, which you worked on in Module 3 and 4. You are using the template provided, do not create a new word document.

So far, you have developed a research question, identified the PICO components of your research question, included your rationale for selecting your research question, created a title page for your paper in APA format, located three peer-reviewed articles, summarized each article in APA format, and critically analyzed the articles.

In this module, you will summarize and synthesize the key points of the peer reviewed, evidence based articles and develop a reference page in APA format.

Be sure to review the previous assignments that relate to the Information Retrieval Paper. Incorporate your Coach’s suggestions and corrections so you won’t make the same mistakes again in this last section of the Information Retrieval Paper.

Performance Objectives:

Synthesize the key points of peer reviewed, evidenced based articles.
Develop a reference page in APA format.
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.

Use this rubric to guide your work “Information Retrieval Paper, Part 3.”


Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement Missing Information
Week 5 Application:
“Information Retrieval Paper: Part 3” (100 points total)Task #1:
Conclusion: Summarize Key Points (Total 60 points) Key findings are identified and discussed relating to the identified research question studied. Well written with at least 3 sentences per topic. Scholarly writing is fully observed. (60 points) N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

Key findings are identified and minimally linked to the identified research question studied. Two sentences written per topic and scholarly writing is predominately observed. (40 points) Key findings are not fully identified or discussed as related to the peer research question. One sentence per topic noted and scholarly writing is not observed. (20 points)

Does not complete.
(0 points)

Task #2:
Reference Page and In-text Citations(Total 40 points)

Correct Grammar and APA Format are graded heavily.




References are cited in APA format, alphabetized and complete.
(30 points)




Uses 3 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts.


(10 points)

Uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (1-2 APA errors).
(25 points)




Uses 2 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts OR 1-2 APA errors r/t citations

(7 points)

3-4 APA and/or grammatical errors noted.

(15 points)



Uses 1 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts OR 3-4 APA errors r/t citations

(3 points)

Does not use correct mechanics and/or APA format (more than 5 APA and grammatical errors).
(0 points)


No use of in-text citations to support thoughts OR >5 APA errors r/t citations

(0 points) N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5

Week 5 Application

Information Retrieval Paper: Part 3

In this week’s assignment, you will complete your Information Retrieval Paper. Review the outline for the entire assignment before your begin.

APA Format Elements Timeline
Title Page in APA format Completion Timeline
APA format
Citations in the body of the paper


Applicable each time sections are submitted
Writing style


Paragraphs of at least three well-written sentences

Organization and flow

Applicable each time sections are submitted
Content Criteria Timeline
Identification of clinical problem in a workplace setting

Research question stated correctly

Rationale for question

Title page

Completed Module 3
Summary of 3 peer-reviewed articles
Overview: Where did you search? How did you decide on the 3 articles?

3 article summaries

Completed Module 3
Critical Analysis
Completeness of analysis

Completed Module 4
Synthesis of key points for the 3 articles

To be completed Module 5 (now)
Reference Page

Sources cited in APA format

References complete

To be completed Module 5 (now)

Task #1 – Conclusion: Summarize Key Points


In this part of the Information Retrieval Paper, you will synthesize the main points from the three peer reviewed, evidence based articles.



In this section write a paragraph or two to synthesize the key points of the articles. Consider this section a conclusion of your findings.

For full credit, each of the 3 articles needs a minimum of 3 sentences. Each article topic requires an in-text citation (3 total).

Synthesis Points from Articles (Type below)



Task #2 – Reference Page


In this part of the Information Retrieval Paper, you will create the reference page for the entire paper in APA format.



Develop the reference page for your Information Retrieval Paper. Make sure that references are:
– cited in APA format.

– alphabetized.

Complete the reference page in the space below.
– Must have 3 peer-reviewed, evidence based articles


Reference Page (Type Below)


Submit th is Assignment Document into Canvas for grading. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5. N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing Modules 3, 4 and 5