Type I diabetic Assignment
Type I diabetic Assignment
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A 60-year-old Type I diabetic presents with discoloration of his right leg. The pathogen is clostridium perfringens.
Gas gangrene is a highly lethal infection of soft tissue, caused by Clostridium species, with Clostridium perfringens being the most common. This is synonymous with myonecrosis and is characterized by rapidly progressive gangrene of the injured tissue along with the production of foul-smelling gas (Gangrene – statpearls – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). Gangrene is referred to as wet if bacteria have infected the tissue. Swelling, blistering and a wet appearance are common features of wet gangrene (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, June 17). Type I diabetic Assignment
Apoptosis is described as an active, programmed process of autonomous cellular dismantling that avoids eliciting inflammation. (BT;, F. S. L. C. (n.d.). The term apoptosis was proposed by Kerr and colleagues in 1972 to describe a specific morphological pattern of cell death observed as cells were eliminated during embryonic development, normal cell turnover in healthy adult tissue, and atrophy upon hormone withdrawal (BT;, F. S. L. C. (n.d.). Necrosis has been characterized as passive, accidental cell death resulting from environmental perturbations with uncontrolled release of inflammatory cellular contents (BT;, F. S. L. C. (n.d.).
Gangrene is death of body tissue due to a lack of blood flow or a serious bacterial infection. Gangrene commonly affects the arms and legs, including the toes and fingers. It can also occur in the muscles and in organs inside the body, such as the gallbladder. Diabetes High blood sugar levels can eventually damage blood vessels. Blood vessel damage can slow or block blood flow to a part of the body (Gangrene – statpearls – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.). Type I diabetic Assignment
Case Study 30 year-old Male Presenting with Acute Trauma with DIC Diagnosis
DIC Diagnosis
Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a disorder that can result from trauma leading to coagulation activation. According to Levi (2018), even stronger coagulation activation may occur after trauma, leading to the manifestation of DIC. DIC manifests itself through the simultaneous presence of widespread thrombotic deposition in the microvasculature, thereby leading to an increased bleeding tendency. For the above case, it is critical to note that the patient, after DIC diagnosis, might experience increased bleeding tendency, thereby necessitating the need for care.
Clotting Mechanism
Blood is an important component since it is a basic necessity for health since our bodies require the steady provision of oxygen that is supplied via blood reaching billions of tissues and cells. According to Periayah et al. (2017), clotting occurs based on a continuum of factors, and it protects the body from the loss of blood through the clotting mechanism with the vascular, platelets, coagulation factors, prostaglandin, enzymes and proteins playing a critical role in the clotting mechanism.
Prolonged PT and aPTT Test
The prolonged PT and aPTT test is used to show the time it took for the blood to clot, with the results given as a number of seconds. In such a case where the blood took longer to clot, it shows that the patient has a bleeding disorder, necessitating further checkups. However, it is important that the healthcare professional should not perform the tests on those patients that do not have a bleeding disorder (Capoor et al., 2015).
Fibrin Degradation and Split Products and DIC Patients
For patients with DIC, there are marked elevations of fibrin degradation, causing microvascular thrombi in the various organs and contributing to organ dysfunction (Levi et al., 2022). The consumption of the clotting factors and the platelets in DIC can have devastating effects on the patient, such as life-threatening bleeding.
Additional Conditions Initiating DIC
Multiple conditions can lead to DIC, either through a systemic inflammatory response or via the release of procoagulants into the bloodstream. Some conditions include severe cases of sepsis, and there are instances of patients with metastasized adenocarcinoma or lymphoproliferative disease suffering from DIC (Costello & Nehring, 2022). Type I diabetic Assignment