hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Case of Mrs. jeeny with Chronic Disease

hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Case of Mrs. jeeny with Chronic Disease

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing





Students are required to choose a patient with Chronic disease from the placement and prepare the case study based the instructions are being provided.


1. Provide an overview of the patient’s condition and outlining the purpose of the paper
2. Describe the pathophysiology of the selected chronic disease.
3. You need to identify all the care priorities of the patient from this scenario and present a comprehensive discussion and justification identifying the first two nursing care priorities within a clinical scenario using the Levitt-Jones’ Clinical Reasoning Cycle. Students are required to provide critical analysis and justification of the care priorities using appropriate literature.
4. Explain how would you plan a health education based on the selected care priorities.
5. Explain the pharmacokinetics of TWO medication that patient takes. hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Case of Mrs. jeeny with Chronic Disease



Mrs jeeny is a 70-year old retired woman admitted to the Private hospital diagnosis with Major Depressive Disorder, PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder. This is Jenny’s sixth admission to the hospital. Current problems are unstable mood, flashback of memories, anxiety and grief. Her parents died in 2019. She is attending Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. She lives with her husband and her pet Dog. She has 5 children (married live seprately). She has history of self-harm by cut self with box cutter and recently tried self-harm by burning skin or cut skin and skin is healed as dressing is done by GP. She has history of sexual assault 20 years before by his ex-husband and cousin. She is prescribed Panadol Osteo 1-2 tablets 4 hourly (PRN) for knee pain recently, Quetiapine 50mg bd (mane and midday) to reduce 25mg every week then ceased under Dr Peter Thai, Psychiatrist. Jenny is allergic to morphine and side effect is vomiting. You are the Registered Nurse looking after Jenny in the behavioral management ward. She is having ketogenic diet to low the sugar because if sugar level high she got problem of diarrhea. hlt54115-Diploma of Nursing: Case of Mrs. jeeny with Chronic Disease


  • She lost 30,000 on investment(bitcoins)
  • Friend died recently
  • Ongoing grief od parents