hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Medical Terminology

hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Medical Terminology

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing





Task Instructions
To complete Assessment 2, you will be required to read two (2) case studies and respond to a number of medium-response questions. Your responses must be typed into the spaces provided beneath each question, and the whole document must be submitted to the LMS portal as your response to Assessment 2. These questions must be answered in full. When responding to the questions, please pay attention to the entire question being asked, as well as the prescribed word count (if provided). You are required to use the correct medical terminology when answering all questions. Answers requiring references must be provided in alignment with Think Education policy. hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Medical Terminology


Assessment Question

Based on the information received in the case study, you need to consider how best to plan appropriate care for Yu Yan. Using the template, develop a care plan for Yu Yan taking into account the information provided. This requires you to:

• Specify four (4) nursing diagnoses or risk factors associated with the client’s health variations

• Record at least two (2) nursing interventions that could be applied for each diagnosis

• Clarify how your planned intervention reflect the client’s interests and physical, emotional and psychosocial needs

• Note at least one (1) expected outcomes that you would hope for as a result of each intervention. (consider SMART goals when discussing outcomes)  hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Medical Terminology