hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Practice an awareness of the psychosocial

hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Practice an awareness of the psychosocial


Discussions on understanding of self care, what you find useful in order to care for self, how you identify your own need for self care and support, the benefits of regularly performing self care, understanding of debriefing, how you could encourage colleagues to access support and participate in debriefing, and why professional self reflection as an EEN is imperative in practice. All questions will be marked as satisfactory/not satisfactory. Instruction: Provide a written reflection on the importance of Self care and Debriefing as an EEN


• Discuss your understanding of self care.
• Discuss what you find useful personally in order to care for yourself.
• Discuss how you identify your own need for self care and support.
• Discuss the benefits of regularly performing self care.
• Discuss your understanding of debriefing. hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Practice an awareness of the psychosocial
• Discuss how you could encourage your colleagues to access support and participate in debriefing.
• Discuss why professional self reflection as an EEN is imperative in your practice. What skills and knowledge you need to demonstrate
1.6 Apply in own practice an awareness of the psychosocial impact of palliative care on the person’s family or carer.
3.6 Identify and reflect on any ethical issues or concerns about the person, and discuss with an appropriate person according to organisation procedures.
5.1 Identify own need for self-care and support and implement effective ways to sustain own social and emotional wellbeing.
5.2 Encourage self and colleagues to access support and, where indicated, participate in professional debriefing. hlt54115-diploma of nursing: Practice an awareness of the psychosocial