TOPIC: PICOT-D Question Submission

The purpose of this assignment (noncredit) is to present your final PICOT-D question for your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project to your faculty for any last-minute changes needed before your Final PICOT-D submission for program approval in Topic 7.


General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments.


  1. TOPIC:  Coping with Mental Health Issues: Suicide Prevention Among Adolescents & Young Adults.
  2. Using the “PICOT-D Question Template” ATTACHED to complete the assignment
  3. Utilize feedback received on prior PICOT Question Submissions.
  4. Professor’s Feedback/Suggested PICOT-D Question- “In the adolescent population with mental health issues, how does (use a tool here that scores for suicidal ideations) impact patient referrals to the (what department would a suicidal adolescent be referred to) over 8 weeks?” DNP-815A SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS
  5. Make sure you made 100% of all the previous changes from your previous reviews.DNP Learner Name_____________________________________ Current Course ___________Submit the Completed Template *See Additional Instructions below for completing the Template on Page 2.

    Save file as First.Last.PICOT_D

    PICOT-D Question Template
    P Population **PATIENT OUTCOME**
    I Intervention
    C Comparison
    O Outcome
    T Timeline
    D Data
    What is your licensure?  APRN  RN 

    Is this practice change within the scope of your nursing practice?

     YES  No

    By submitting this form, I am attesting I have read my state’s Nurse Practice Act, and the project is within the scope of my practice.

    Problem Statement It was not known if the implementation of __________________would impact ______________ _______________ among ___________ (population).
    Purpose Statement The purpose of this quality improvement project was to determine if the implementation of _________________ (intervention, make sure you have the evidence-base here) would impact ______________(what) _______________________ among ___________(population). The project was piloted over an eight-week period in a (rural, urban or directional (eastern, western, …)________ (state) ________ (setting ie: primary care clinic, ER, OR).
    Original Research articles: 

    List all original research articles that support the intervention.

    Ensure there are hyperlinks to the articles and or embed the document.








    Creswell, J. W. & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed

    methods approaches. (5th ed.) Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

    PICOT-D Question Template
    P Population Medical-surgical patients admitted to the unit at the site
    I Intervention Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol
    C Comparison Current or existing practice. DNP-815A SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS
    O Outcome Time to Ambulation & Length of Stay
    T Timeline 4-6 weeks (Minimum is 4-weeks)
    D Data Electronic Health Record 

    Quality Manager Data

    (add data collection tool name if you have one)

    What is your licensure?  APRN  RN 

    Is this practice change within the scope of your nursing practice?

     YES  No

    Depending on licensure and scope of practice, some DPI projects can be in conflict. Please ensure you have read your state’s Nurse Practice Act. Providing this information assists the PICOT reviewer with insight into the conduct of the project.

    PICOT For adult medical-surgical patients 18 years and older, will the implementation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol compared to current practice decrease the patient’s time to first ambulation and an average length of stay in an urban Kentucky hospital over four-weeks?
    Problem Statement Problem: 

    It was not known if or to what degree the implementation of __________________would impact ______________ when compared to _______________ among ___________ (population)


    Engel, Tatebe, Alonzo, Mustille, and Rivera (2013) indicates that early mobilization of patients decreases the average length of hospital stay in critical care areas. Fisher, Kuo, Graham, Ottenbacher, and Ostir (2010) pointed to the time to ambulation and length of stay. It is not known if a nurse-driven early mobilization protocol will decrease the mean-time to ambulation and an average length of hospital stay in the medical-surgical population of an urban Kentucky hospital (AHRQ, 2017). Whereas this population tends to be ill, they are not as critical as ICU, or post-operative patients tend to be. They are still at risk for developing hospital-acquired pneumonia, gastrointestinal delays, and muscle deconditioning. Nevertheless, the time to first ambulation and length of hospital stays could potentially be reduced if an early mobilization protocol were implemented.


    Purpose Statement Purpose: 

    The purpose of this ___________( e.g., quantitative, quasi-experimental) project was to determine if or to what degree the implementation of _________________ (direct practice improvement/intervention) would impact ______________(what patient outcome) when compared to _______________________ among ___________(patient population) in a ________ (setting e.g., primary care clinic, ER, OR) in ________ (state) over four-weeks.


    The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental quality improvement project is to determine if or to what degree the implementation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol would impact the patient’s time to first ambulation and an average length of stay for adult patients in acute medical-surgical unit compared to current practice at an urban (rural or use direction: northeaster, southeaster) in urban Kentucky over four-weeks.


    The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental quality improvement project is to determine if or to what degree the implementation of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Nurse-Driven Early Mobility Protocol would impact the patient’s time to first ambulation and an average length of stay compared to current practice. The project will take place on the adult, medical-surgical unit, at an urban (rural or use direction: northeaster, southeaster) Kentucky hospital over four-weeks.

    The nurse-driven early mobilization protocol is defined as ambulating all admitted patients in the medical-surgical unit, four times a day at least 100 feet each time, irrespective of the diagnoses, unless contraindicated. The first ambulation should happen within 24 hours of admission. The average length of hospital stay refers to the average number of days that patients spend in hospital (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2019). This is a measurement of the quality of care provided by the hospital. DNP-815A SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS

    Original Research articles: 

    List all original research articles that support the intervention.

    Add hyperlinks and or the document embedded (Required)







    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. (2017) Introduction and evidence

    for early mobility: A protocol to get patients out of bed faster: Facilitator guide. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

    Creswell, J. W. & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed

    methods approaches. (5th ed.) Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

    Engel, H. J., Tatebe, S., Alonzo, P. B., Mustille, R. L., & Rivera, M. J. (2013). Physical Therapist-Established Intensive Care Unit Early Mobilization Program: Quality Improvement Project for Critical Care at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. Physical Therapy93(7), 975–985.

    Fisher, S. R., Kuo, Y. F., Graham, J. E., Ottenbacher, K. J., & Ostir, G. V. (2010). Early ambulation and length of stay in older adults hospitalized for acute illness. Archives of internal medicine170(21), 1942–1943. for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2019). Length of hospital stay. Retrieved from DNP-815A SCIENTIFIC UNDERPINNINGS