Discussion: Genes and Gene Environment Interaction
Discussion: Genes and Gene Environment Interaction
The implications of mapping out the human genome are far reaching. Clinical, ethical, legal, and social issues are impacted and nurses are central to care. The implications of the human genome mapping, and how nursing care may be impacted has led to the development of the “Essential Genetic and Genomic Competencies for Nurses with Graduate Degrees” (GradGenomiccompetencies.pdfActions ). Please review this document to understand the implications to your practice and provide a background to your discussion. Discussion: Genes and Gene Environment Interaction
Choose ONE of the following topics to discuss:
1. Describe a genetic/genomic nursing situation that reflects on a nursing competency.
2. Describe a real or hypothetical nursing situation that shows how genetics/genomics is an important consideration to disease, diagnosis, or treatment.
3. Review 2 articles and discuss how knowledge and work around telomeres can impact nursing care. How caring for telomeres can impact disease and aging?
4. Discuss a holistic application or problem that relates to an aspect of cellular health, DNA, epigenetic environment. Examples can be energies/frequencies/harmonics/vibration, effect of electromagnetic frequencies and how that might impact nursing care etc. as just a few thoughts. This is an example of an article: Kandaswamy R. Application of Sound Frequencies as an Epigenetic Tool in Reversing the Limiting Symptoms of Autism. J Clin Epigenet. 2017, 3:1. doi: 10.21767/2472-1158.100038).
Discussion: Genes and Gene Environment Interaction