Relationship Between Variables in a Dataset Essay

Relationship Between Variables in a Dataset Essay

You will describe this relationship by answering the following questions:

1. Insert the Scatter Plot you have created into your post.
2. Describe the following characteristics of the correlation result as interpreted from the Scatter Plot you just created
– strength 
– direction
3. Is this a Pearson r Scatter Plot or a Spearman Rho Scatter Plot? Justify your answer.


4. Based on your interpretation of the Scatter Plot you have created, formulate a null hypothesis consistent with these results. 
5. Are there outliers in this data set? How do you assess for these when interpreting a Scatter Plot? 
6. What additional information do you need to determine if this correlation is statistically significant? Does the Scatter Plot provide this information? If the correlation is statistically significant, does that mean you reject or fail to reject H0? Relationship Between Variables in a Dataset Essay