Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay

Note: You will begin this Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay Assignment in Week 5 and it will be due by Day 7 of Week 7. Plan your time accordingly.

Depending on your experience in healthcare, and other fields as well, you may be familiar with a performance management system or primarily with one aspect of assessing performance, the annual performance review. As a critical distinction from the annual review, performance management goes beyond a list of skills to rate or expected behaviors to check off, to a larger consideration of goals to reach and specific improvement strategies to implement.

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Gaining understanding and perspective on a nurse executive’s role in performance management is the purpose of this Module 3 Assignment. To help inform your thinking and both the opportunities and challenges of performance management, you will gain firsthand information through an interview with a nursing professional whose responsibilities include those you will assume as a nurse executive.
Follow the guidelines for this Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay Assignment as provided in the overview documents. You are encouraged to give yourself adequate time to reflect on your interviewee’s responses, the better to support you in assuming this aspect of the work of a nurse executive.


To Prepare:

Review the Learning Resources on performance management for support in preparing for your interview with the human resources nurse manager.
Access and review the Performance Management System Interview Guidelines and Questions document for guidance on selecting a nurse executive to interview, and on planning, conducting, and analyzing the interview responses.

Note: You are required to complete and submit Page 2 of this Guidelines document in a Word file identified as “Interviewee Profile and Confirmation Signature.” Be sure to obtain the full signature of your nurse executive interviewee to confirm the individual’s participation. Initials and/or only first or last name are not sufficient.
Access and review the Performance Management System Interview Matrix Summary Template. Consider how you can use this matrix to help organize information and conclusions from your interview.
When you have completed the interview, reflect on the results, including background information on the professional, the healthcare organization, and performance management system. As needed, follow up with your interviewee by phone or e-mail to clarify answers and conclusions Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay.

Part 1: Interview Matrix Summary

Complete the Performance Management System Interview Matrix Summary, provided with the Assessment materials, to create a visual summary of the information gathered through your interview with the nurse executive.

Part 2: Interview Reflection

In a separate Word document, write 2–3 pages that reflect on the interview and your overall impressions. Include the following points in your reflection:

Briefly describe the professional you interviewed, including title, years of experience, and his/her healthcare organization (e.g., size, location, special services). Note: Be mindful of your interviewee’s privacy in the details you provide. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay
Explain the concept of “performance management” that guided your interview and the interviewee’s responses.
Evaluate the healthcare organization’s performance management system for effectiveness, drawing on the interviewee’s assessment and your own observations and conclusions.
Describe characteristics and/or factors that stand out to you as contributing to the system’s strengths and weaknesses.
Describe actions, strategies, or approaches that you would recommend to address weaknesses in the system.
By Day 7 of Week 5
Note: There is no Assignment due in Week 5.

Reminder: The School of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/57.htm). All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Learning Resources
Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

Fried, B. J., & Fottler, M. D. (Eds.). (2018). Fundamentals of human resources in healthcare (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Chapter 6, “Organizational Development and Training” (pp. 150–173)
ChaNote: You began this Assignment in Week 5 and it will be due by Day 7 of Week 7. Plan your time accordingly.

Depending on how you have planned and organized your interview tasks, you may be well into summarizing your conversation with your nurse executive interviewee or beginning that process. Keep in mind the goal of understanding performance management as a system as you reflect on the information you have gathered. As needed, follow up by phone or e-mail to clarify answers and conclusions Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay. If time allows, you may ask the interviewee to review a rough draft of your interview summary, to ensure that you captured the individual’s intent.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

To Prepare:

Consider how you would summarize the interview to provide a thorough description of the performance management system.
Consider strengths and weaknesses of the system, as described by the interviewee, and from your own analysis.
Review the Learning Resources for support in evaluating this performance management system and strategies for addressing its weaknesses.

Finalize the Module 3 Assignment Part 1, Interview Matrix Summary, and Part 2, Interview Reflection.

By Day 7 of Week 7
Submit your Assignment Parts 1 and 2, plus the Interviewee Profile and Confirmation Signature page, in three separate Word files. pter 7, “Performance Management” (pp. 174–204) Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay


Part 1: Interview Matrix Summary



Performance Management System for Maternity and Delivery ward
System Features
Employee Evaluation
The executive nurse worked in the Maternity and Delivery ward.
Sources of
Evaluation Criteria

The sources of evaluation criteria included the rate of patient


How Criteria
Communicated to
The criteria were communicated to the employee through the issuance

of the expected code of ethics and conduct. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay

How Components of

Performance Management

Are Interconnected in the


The connectivity between the performance management concepts was

based on the criteria that a high performance was associated with high patient satisfaction.

How Information Collected,
Maintained, Consolidated,
and Summarized on
Employee Performance
and Retention
The information was collected through the nurse assessment forms given

to the patients at the time of discharge. The forms were submitted

electronically whereby the patients were required to rate the nurses

from their PADs/ tablets. The forms were compiled and analyzed

depending on the scale formulated to assign the satisfaction scores.

The employee performance and retention reflected the rate of satisfaction.

The employees with the highest patient satisfaction scores

were regarded as top performance and had higher chances of being retained. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay

Technology Integration
in the System
The technology included use of the electronic medical records to

assess the rates of care such as workloads per employee.

The EHRs were also used to assess the number of successful cases

per employee.

Privacy Protections


The employee assessment platform was only accessible to the patient

via use of the biometrics. The nurses could not rate themselves since

their biometric data was not saved under the patient’s database.

Again, the rates could not be deleted, altered, or accessed by anybody

except the head of human resource management.

System Analysis
How System Supports

Employee Development



The system used by the hospital was important in enhancing the development of an organization culture that aims at satisfying the patients.

The nurses were encouraged to practice the best nursing protocols that

enhance the healing, safety, and quality care. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay

How System Supports

Employee Retention


The system was crucial in identifying the nurses with the highest performance on the nurses of patient satisfaction. Such employees would be retained.
Use of Peer Reviews/

Multisource (360 degree)

Feedback and



The hospital uses the 360-degree feedback. The 360-degree feedback has

been effective in creating a community with well connected health professionals joined by the interest to fulfil the patient’s needs of care. However, the 360-degree

feedback system has contributed to nurse burnout as the nurses overwork to

meet the expectations of the employer.

How Training Used to

Enhance Employee

and Retention


The training included workshops, seminars as well as talks and presentations

by people in the hospitality as well as medical professionals.

Such training has been productive in shifting the minds of the nurses to

assume the business understanding of the hospital alongside the provision

of quality care.

How Training Used to

Support Managers That
Evaluate Performance


The training has been used as a tool of assessing the efficiency of the

performance before and after training to analyze the effect of nursing

training on the patient satisfaction. The training has been used as a way

of collecting evidence-based management strategies that enhance the quality

of care.

Mechanisms for Employee

Input on the System


The employee is also given the employee-employee appraisal platforms

whereby they vote amongst themselves on the basis of different criteria

to rates of employee-employee relationships and performance. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay

System Evaluation
How Well System
Supports Employee
Performance Growth and
The system is essential in promoting competitiveness among the nurses on

the basis of meeting the patient’s needs. The employee performance is

enhanced as the nurses struggle to satisfy the patients. The system supports

the growth since the employees are encouraged to satisfy more patients by

giving excellent services.

How Well System
Supports Employee
The system supports employee retention by emphasizing that the high

rates of patient satisfaction promote employability.

Performance Management

System Strengths


The strengths of the performance management system include encouragement of provision of quality care. The system also encourages following the right protocols

of the hospital. The performance of the nurses is enhanced and promote

the provision of quality care.

Performance Management

System Weaknesses


The performance management system encourages nurses to work harder

since satisfaction of the patient influences employee retention.

Therefore, the system promotes nurse-burnout as well as employee

dissatisfaction from work. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay

Overall Conclusions


The performance management system based on the patient satisfaction

enhances performance and quality of care.


Part 2: Interview Reflection

The executive nurse worked in a 150-bed capacity maternity and delivery ward of a teaching and referral hospital in the UK. The interviewee was a female with a vast experience in bedside nursing and an MSc in nursing. The significance of choosing the M & D ward set-up was due to the complexity of the environment on the bases of the employee requirements. The M & D ward was characterized by the unique demand for nursing care and a large task force. Therefore, the critical nursing environment in such set-ups is associated with the quality of care and nurse-patient relationships.

As stated by Fried & Fottler (2018), human resource management in healthcare units influence performance. The creation of organizational culture in the hospital entails the relationships between the workers as well as their rights. The safety of the environment, cooperation, the relationship between the employees as well as their performance assessment/ appraisal influence the quality of care. In this context, the human resources management of healthcare is essential in the creation of the working environment that promotes growth and development. For this case, training and educational approaches for the nursing employees enhance their skills, performance, confidence levels as well as patient satisfaction.

The performance management concept that guided the interview included the effect of patient satisfaction as a tool for assessing the performance of the nurses. Furthermore, the rate of patient satisfaction was linked to employee performance and retention. The healthcare facility used patient satisfaction scores as a method of rating the performance of the nurses. The hospital used software for assessing the nurses, whereby the patients were requested to rate their satisfaction on the computer devices used by the nurses (PADs and Tablets). The hospital used the data to assess the performance of the nurses as well as make informed decisions on employee retention. In this manner, the hospital emphasized that high patient satisfaction scores translated to better performance and increased chances of job retention. The hospital used a patient-centered approach whereby electronic medical records were essential in the collection and management of patient data. The computer devices were used and indicated better management of patient data for easier retrieval (Gomes, Hash, Orsolini, Watkins, & Mazzoccoli, 2016).

An evaluation of the performance of the management system illustrated high effectiveness. The nurses had high competence levels due to the urge to meet the patient’s satisfaction. The relationships between the nurse and the patients as well as amongst the nurse indicated top qualities. The nurses treat each other with respect and camaraderie. The teamwork spirit of the nurses enhanced the performance of the hospital as well as the satisfaction of the patients. The nurses were well informed about their responsibilities and expressed themselves professionally. The hospital had the nursing community that exhibited a high level of confidence in communication as well as reliability to provide quality care. The performance management system enhanced confidentiality such that the identity of the patient or peer-peer reviewer was not revealed to the employee being reviewed. The protection of the patient’s privacy contributed to increased confidence among the patients and the reliability of the performance assessment (Swathi, Krishna, & Somu, 2019).

The strengths of the performance management system include encouragement of the provision of quality care. The system also encourages following the right protocols of the hospital. The performance of the nurses is enhanced and promotes the provision of quality care. Although the performance management system helps nurses to work harder, there are also some disadvantages to the system. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay. For instance, since the satisfaction of the patient influences employee retention, there was a high pressure on the employees to satisfy the patients. Therefore, the system promotes nurse-burnout as well as employee dissatisfaction from work. Nurse-burnout and job dissatisfaction are liked to demotivation and poor performance of the nurses. Therefore, there should be ways of encouraging and motivating the nurses, such as recognition of excellent performance by salary increments, promotion as well as paid work leaves (Abdullah & Nusari, 2019).



Abdullah, W., & Nusari, M. (2019). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NURSES’JOB

SATISFACTION AND NURSES’PERFORMANCE IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH CARE SECTOR IN YEMEN. International Journal Of Management And Human Science, 3(2), 23-43.

Fried, B. J., & Fottler, M. D. (Eds.). (2018). Fundamentals of human resources in healthcare (2nd

ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay

Gomes, M., Hash, P., Orsolini, L., Watkins, A., & Mazzoccoli, A. (2016). Connecting

professional practice and technology at the bedside: nurses’ beliefs about using an electronic health record and their ability to incorporate professional and patient-centered nursing activities in patient care. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(12), 578.

Swathi, K. S., Krishna, B. G., & Somu, G. (2019). Assessment of In-Patient Satisfaction Using

Importance-Performance Map Analysis. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10(6), 267-271. Evaluating Performance Management Systems Essay