Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay

Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay

Watson’s theory of human caring


Health professionals including nurses are expected to the truthful to their colleagues and more so to their patients (Fontes, Menezes, Borgato, et al., 2017). However, if a closer re-examination was to be done in the daily routine of a nurse, there are situations where telling the truth may not be the best option. This raises a significant question: are nurses especially obligated to tell the truth in situations where a level of dishonesty is bound to save the patient from more harm? When and under which circumstances withholding truth should be justified? Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay.

One such scenario is when a Muslim patient comes to the healthcare facility seeking IVF treatment. The couple has been married for three years without any children forthcoming. All medical interventions have failed.  The woman’s in-laws are a traditionalist and are demanding for a grandchild. The in-laws are pushing for divorce and requesting their son to marry a ‘fertile’ woman. The husband has obliged to his family’s request. However, the wife persuaded him that they try IVF. However, after the first round of IVF treatment, the treatment fails. The woman is definitely going to lose her husband and home Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay. The ethical dilemma for the nurse at this point is whether to tell the patient the truth or withhold part of or all of the truth.

Violation of the Nursing Code of Ethics

Nursing code 1.4 discusses the right of self-determination of a patient. Nurses are obligated under this code to include patients in discussions, identify options, provide referrals to resources, and address any problems in the process of decision-making. The nurse should show support of patient autonomy by respecting the method of decision making the patient applies while recognizing that different cultures understand confidentiality, privacy, autonomy, and healing in different ways (Winland, Lachman, & Swanson, 2015).

Nursing code 2.1 discusses the primacy of the patient’s interests. In this code, the primary commitment of the nurse is to the patient. Any plan of care should be reflective of this commitment. A nurse should address the interests of a patient against the background of the patient’s place in the family as well as other relationships. Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay. Where there is a conflict between the patient’s interests and others, a nurse should attempt to resolve the conflict. If a nurse does not succeed in resolving the conflict, then the patient’s wishes should be upheld (Winland, Lachman, & Swanson, 2015).

In this case scenario, the failure to disclose the information to the patient will violate both nursing codes 1.4 and 2.1. The nurse as a caring provider should use wisdom in disclosing the information to the patient and her spouse. The nurse will also help the situation better by collaborating with other colleagues in the healthcare facility. Nursing code 2.3 encourages nurses to collaborate with other healthcare professionals for the provision of high-quality care to the patient. Thus, in this case, while disclosing the information, other professionals such as a psychologist, OBGYN, and child social services should be present. These additional staff will offer the patient the needed support as well as offer her options on the way forward regarding starting her own family with her husband. Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay.


Creating an Ethical Environment in the Workplace

Regan, Laschinger, & Wong (2016) propose that to create and sustain an ethical environment in the workplace, a nurse as a leader can define the professional responsibilities’ scope in ethical situations such as identifying nurse expectations when they fail to observe ethical behavior.  A nurse as a leader can support and encourage ethical concerns’ open expression for example when a nurse faces an ethical dilemma, nursing ethics consultants and ethics committees can be utilized. Additionally, a nurse as a leader can make ethics resources available for nurses and which will allow for open discussion on ethical challenges with no fear of retribution. Lastly, the nurse leader can establish a mechanism that will protect staff when they wish to anonymously report an unethical issue.

Watson’s theory of Human Caring in Ethical Decision Making

The nurse should practice loving kindness to the patient and her husband; she should not ridicule or show criticism to the childless couple but instead, reassure them that medical and social procedures still exist that have the potential to change their situation. By being authentically present, the nurse is fully aware of her emotions toward the patient and does not allow these emotions to cloud her judgment. The nurse can use her emotions to offer empathy to the patient and her husband. A nurse also needs to cultivate her spiritual practice and be aware that one is more than just a body. When one’s spirit is aligned with the body and mind, then one is likely to be in a calmer mental state and can offer the same calmness to the patient Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay. The nurse should also develop and sustain a caring relationship with the patient. In this case, the nurse should have a trusting relationship with the patient to the point that the patient is willing to listen to and consider the alternative options for resolving her health issue. It is expected that the patient will have both negative feelings and possibly positive ones. The nurse should be present and support whichever of the two emotions expressed by the patient.

Further, a nurse can use creative ways of knowing in assisting the patient. In this case, the nurse can involve other professionals in the decision making to offer the patient with other options of starting a family. As the nurse engages in genuine learning and teaching experience, the knowledge base is increased and can be utilized in future similar occurrences. In this case, the solutions provided by other professionals involved in this case scenario will offer a teaching-learning experience that the nurse will refer to in the future as a guide in caregiving. Additionally, the nurse should offer an environment that promotes healing Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay. In the case scenario, the healing process involves psychological healing and thus, a nurse should involve a psychologist in the patient’s healing process. Lastly, the nurse should assist the patient with basic needs as well as be open to the possibility of a miracle. Medical miracles have been reported even in cases of infertility. The nurse should give hope to the patient without promising pie in the sky guarantees. The hope given to the patient should be backed by evidence-based practices.


In conclusion, the 10 Caritas need to be applied when caring for a patient. In this case scenario, a nurse can use Watson’s theory to ensure the patient gets the best outcomes out of the possibly problematic situation she finds herself.


Fontes, C. M. B., Menezes, D. V. D., Borgato, M. H., & Luiz, M. R. (2017). Communicating bad news: an integrative review of the nursing literature. Revista brasileira de enfermagem70(5), 1089-1095.

Regan, S., Laschinger, H. K., & Wong, C. A. (2016). The influence of empowerment, authentic leadership, and professional practice environments on nurses’ perceived interprofessional collaboration. Journal of nursing management24(1), E54-E61.

Winland-Brown, J., Lachman, V. D., & Swanson, E. O. C. (2015). The new’Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements'(2015): Practical clinical application, Part I. Medsurg Nursing24(4), 268. Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay.


Ethical Decision-Making, NRP/508: Health Policy And Role Of The Advanced Practice Nurse Week 4 Assignment Instructions

  1. Conduct an Internet search for the Core Concepts of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science article.
  2. Read the article.
  3. Complete the questions from Box 15-1: Ethics Inventory located on p. 141 in Ch. 15 of Policy & Politics.
  4. Select an ethical dilemma you would face as an APRN. Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay.
  5. Write a 1,050-word paper addressing the following:
  6. Identify which provision of the nursing code of ethics would be violated in the ethical dilemma. How can you use the code of ethics to address the issue? (15 pts)
  7. How can you create an ethical environment in your workplace to bring about awareness for other nurses in this area? (15 pts)
  8. Explain how you can use Watson’s theory of human caring as a guide when encountering ethical decisions. (15 pts)
  9. Provide references for all sources cited and format according to APA guidelines. There must be at least one scholarly work that is peer-reviewed and within the last 5 years. References and in-text citations must be included in APA format. (5 pts)


Reading for assignment.  Box 15-1 is included in the reading below.  Box 15-1, page 141, Chapter 15, Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care text.

  1. Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M.F., & O’Grady, E.T (2019). Hamric and Hanson’s advanced practice nursing: an integrative approach (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay.

Chapter 7 and 13.


  1. Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2016). Policy & politics in nursing and health care, 7th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Chapter 8 and 15.


  1. Weber, B. B. (2011). The role of professional nursing organizations in maintaining a healthy workplace. Plastic Surgical Nursing, 31(3), 92-94. Watson’s theory of human caring nursing essay