Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay

Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay

Chronic venous insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis are both conditions that affect the veins .Veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart, to effect this important function there are valves which prevents backflow of blood, pooling, and clotting in the lumen. These conditions both affect the legs ie the calf muscle and the lower extremities in different ways. Here we evaluate the conditions on the following topics, epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations, diagnosis, and treatment

According to(Gulati, 2013) Chronic venous insufficiency is estimated to affect 40%of people living in the united states and highly occurs in women of more than 50yrs of age. This is due to the continued inability of the veins to carry blood back to the heart. This happens when the calf muscle does not contract regularly to compress the veins and aid in an upward flow of blood Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay. Hence increased pressure is applied on the valves which are positioned to stop the backflow blood i.e. one-way valves. this causes damage to the valve, as a result, the blood flows back and pools in veins lumen .the pooling are known as stasis .When a clot is formed it blocks the flow causing more pressure to the smaller vein that can easily burst .When this happens a reddish-brown, sensitive to bump swelling occurs and if broken a very painful ulcer occurs.

This is common due to the high population of aged people in unites states, also a very sedentary lifestyle that many have adopted or sometimes the cause may be secondary to pelvic tumors. Idiopathic chronic venous insufficiency is also common Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay.

The common signs and symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency include edematous ankles and calf muscle, newly formed varicose veins, aching or always tried legs, lathery-looking and itching skin on the legs, static ulcers

This can be diagnosed by use of duplex ultrasound, this simply placing a small device on the skin where you will be able to visualize the blood flow by use of waves .x rays can also come in handy if the duplex ultrasound is not available


The most common treatment for chronic venous insufficiency is a lifestyle change; this includes wearing of compression stocking, exercises that involve the calf muscle e.g. walking. Avoid standing or sitting for long hours. In medical management, the physician may give some antibiotics if ulcers have formed. Anticoagulants to stop clot formation. pain killers to relieve pain if they are painful. Management may also involve non-invasive methods like sclerotherapy, a procedure where the doctor injects a solution into affected to scar and eventually cause bypass of the affected vein. Technologically treatment has improved to Endovenous thermal ablation where radio waves are used to heat and close the affected vein Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay. Vein ligation, vein repair, vein transplant, and vein bypass can be done.

Deep venous thrombosis condition affects a vein deep inside the body, the pathophysiology of deep venous thrombosis formation of a clot which in turn blocks the vein causing pooling in vein.

The major cause of DVT is a blood clot. Which may result from various reasons these include; injury to a blood vessel, drugs that encourage blood clotting, surgery: this happens when clot escapes the eye of the surgeon before suturing. and reduced movement either by age or sickness.

According to a center for diseases control and prevention( CDC), deep venous thrombosis have the following symptoms; swelling of the ankle or general foot, cramping pain starting from the calf muscle, warmth on the affected area, and change of color on the affected area.these are symptoms for lower extremities but if one has deep venous thrombosis on hands one may experience neck pain, shoulder pain, and sometimes general weakness on the affected hand.

To diagnose deep venous thrombosis you can perform the following ;a compression test where one gets to express pain on compression,checking of temperature on the painful area. A venous dropper ultra sounded and dimmers blood test can also be done

The methods of treatment for deep venous thrombosis are both invasive and non-invasive methods. These methods include the use of compression stockings, insertion of filters in the large abdominal vein known as venacava to prevent clots from moving to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism. The physician commonly prescribes the use of warfarin to dissolve clots and advice on reduced exercise to stop the clots from moving up to the lungs Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay.

In comparison, the major difference in Chronic Venus Insufficiency and Deep Venous thrombosis is that Deep venous thrombosis is the formation of a be a blood clot within a deep vein causing blockage and Chronic Venous Insufficiency is a decrease in blood flow from the legs to the heart. Deep venous thrombosis can be cured while chronic venous insufficiency does not have a cure. They also have a no of similarities these include they cause edema, pain, and discoloration. The risk for both conditions are related and be caused by similar conditions. Inactivity can cause an increase in both conditions and can be prevented by increasing daily activity. Diagnosis of CVI and DVT can be done by use venous Doppler ultrasound and D-Dimer blood test Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay.


Introduction to the study of deep venous thrombosis. (2008). The Aetiology of Deep Venous Thrombosis, 1-9.

Lawrence, P. F., & Gazak, C. E. (2000). Epidemiology of chronic venous insufficiency. Chronic Venous Insufficiency, 3-8.

Gulati, O. (2013). Pycnogenol® in Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Related Venous Disorders. Phytotherapy Research28(3), 348-362. Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay


Compare the pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency and deep venous thrombosis. Describe how venous thrombosis is different from arterial thrombosis.
Explain how the patient factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of CVI and DVT. Describe how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these disorders for a patient based on the factor you selected.
Construct two mind maps—one for chronic venous insufficiency and one for deep venous thrombosis. Include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation, as well as the diagnosis and treatment you explained in your paper. Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Venous Thrombosis Essay