South Dakota Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation Essay

South Dakota Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation Essay

Dashboard and health care benchmark evaluation

Option 3: Hypothetical dashboard based on a professional practice setting

South Dakota Health is a hospital facility that provides medical services to populations across the Midwest to include South Dakota State and its environs. It presents itself as a teaching and referral hospital affiliated with the South Dakota School of Medicine. The median age for the facility’s population is 37.5 years, with the South Dakota state population reported at 882,235 and with approximately half of the population employed by the state economy. The median household income reported at $56,274 South Dakota Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation Essay. Males earn an average income 1.3 times higher than their female counterparts. Income inequality is reported at 0.427. Whites have higher wages than other ethnicities (Data USA, 2020). The local population is predominantly white ethnicity at 81.5% which Alaska Natives and American Indians accounting for 8.5%, Latino/Hispanic accounting for 3.9%, African Americans accounting for 2.14, and Asians accounting for 1.7% of the population. 90% of the population has health insurance with 2.8% covered by a military plan, 15.7% covered by a non-group plan, 11.6% covered by Medicare, 11.4% covered by Medicaid, and 49.4% covered by employee plans (Data USA, 2020)South Dakota Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation Essay .


Services offered at South Dakota Health include specialty centers in women’s health, sports medicine, neuroscience, cancer, heart and children’s care. In addition, the facility offers transplant services, neonatal and pediatric intensive care, and emergency air transport. It is a verified Level II Pediatric and Level II Adult Trauma Center recognized by the American College of Surgeons. The facility has a capacity of 545 beds and employs 4,000 personnel. Every year, the facility provides approximately 250,000 outpatient and clinic visits, 7,000 admissions, 12,000 surgeries and procedures, 1,000 births, and 12,000 emergency department visits.

A review of the patient safety snapshot for South Dakota Health facility presents some concerns (see Table 1). The data reveals that even by South Dakota State average measures, the facility has done relatively well. However, there are some performance concerns. It shows that although South Dakota Health has done well in patient safety measures, there are concerns with regards to incidences of pressure ulcers among high risk and fall incidences among long-stay patients. There is a need to improve performance in the two patient safety measures. With regards to the increasing incidences of pressure ulcers among high risk long-stay patients, the facility should institute interventions. These include reassessing risk for all patients on a daily basis, optimizing hydration and nutrition, minimizing pressure, conducting pressure ulcer assessment at admission, managing skin moisture, and inspecting the skin daily. Concerning the increase in fall incidences among long-stay patients, interventions should be implemented to include regular safety rounds, setting bed alarms, keeping patients busy, providing safety companions, and identifying high-risk patients for closer monitoring (Luchette & Yelon, 2017). The proposed interventions are anticipated to help the facility reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers among high risk and fall incidences among long-stay patients South Dakota Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation Essay.

Table 1. South Dakota Health and South Dakota State snapshot for patient safety performance (Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2020)

Measure Year South Dakota State average South Dakota Health
Rate Difference Rate Difference
Improved surgical wounds 2012 77.2 5.1 78 5
2017 82.3 83
High risk long-stay patients with pressure ulcers 2013 4.9 -0.8 4.5 0.1
2016 4.1 4.6
Comprehensive discharge discussions and instructions 2012 35.1 -3.9 36 1
2017 31.2 37
Long stay patients with urinary tract infection 2013 5.3 -1.1 5.2 0.1
2016 4.2 5.3
New and worsened pressure ulcers among short-stay patients 2013 0.8 -0.1 0.7 -0.1
2016 0.7 0.6
One or more fall incidences among long-stay patients 2013 0.9 0.2 0.6 0.2
2016 1.1 0.8


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2020). South Dakota: State snapshot for patient safety. Retrieved from

Data USA (2020). South Dakota. Retrieved from

Luchette, F. A. & Yelon, J. A. (ed) (2017). Geriatric trauma and critical care (2nd ed.). Cham: Springer International Publishing South Dakota Dashboard and Health Care Benchmark Evaluation Essay.