Medical Organization Strategic Plan

Eisenhower Medical Centre | Strategic Plan for 2020-2022


The main purpose of this strategic plan is to serve as a guide for the achievement of the organization’s goals that it envisions to accomplish in the next three years. Eisenhower Medical Centre recognizes the important role that all its stakeholders play to enable it achieve its aims and objectives over the years. This strategic plan takes into consideration the importance of this collaborative effort in the realisation of the goals set here in it.

Mission Statement

Eisenhower Medical Centre (EMC) is there to provide, without seeking profits, the best possible quality healthcare services in the state of California and beyond. It seeks to be the best in this respect and also provide the highest rated healthcare research and supportive patient education.


  • To provide the most ideal patient care sought by our clientele.
  • To provide the most conducive working environment for all Eisenhower Medical Centre employees and volunteers. Medical Organization Strategic Plan
  • To partner with donors in generating resources towards the provision of affordable healthcare services.
  • To be the most attractive healthcare facility for physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners and other medical staff to work in.
  • To be the strongest and indispensable community resource in the entire state of California and beyond.

Integral Values

Excellence: We practice only evidence-based interventions all the time to enable us achieve patient outcomes that are beyond set expectations. Our clinician-patient relationships are always the best and we place the highest premium on patient safety.

Courtesy: Our employees are the most courteous and understanding to our patients, their relatives, and other visitors to the facility.

Efficiency: We offer the most efficient and effective quality healthcare within the shortest time possible for our patients. Medical Organization Strategic Plan


Strategic Priorities

  1. EMC must acquire new ventilators/ RT equipment and upgrade old medical equipment.
  2. EMC has to do away with unstable permanent positions.
  • EMC must begin a policy of zero tolerance to discrimination of any sort and sexual harassment at the workplace.
  1. EMC must recruit interpreters on a full-time basis. These have to work in the facility’s emergency department and the intensive care unit where quick intervention may be hampered by language barrier.
  2. EMC to venture into housekeeping services for itself without outsourcing, and provide its own in-house financial services.
  3. EMC to provide all-round security around the perimeter of its health facility to protect patient privacy and ensure their safety from outside intrusion.
  • EMC to make sure that all patients and their loved ones can at all times access clean, safe, and pure portable drinking water from multiple points within the facility.
  • The centers for Cancer, Orthopedics, Neuroscience, and Cardiovascular research and treatment at EMC to continue being equipped and supported to provide the latest state-of-the-art treatments. Medical Organization Strategic Plan
  1. EMC to continue innovation concerning novel treatments with non-invasive procedures, for instance E-Zpap.
  2. EMC to equip and staff a new lung laboratory that will cater for the facility’s inpatients.
  3. EMC to continue its close relationship with its benefactors for continued provision of cheap not-for-profit healthcare services.
  • EMC to come up with a program that assists patients without healthcare insurance coverage to opt for in-house financial services.
  • EMC to drastically reduce its carbon footprint and encourage its employees and patients to dispose trash within the facility in designated recycling bins and containers.
  • EMC to remain apolitical and neutral in all political discourse. However, to continue compliance with the state of California and city of Rancho Mirage statutes, regulations, and by-laws. Medical Organization Strategic Plan

Strategic Objectives


Objective: Achieve better efficiency in the billing process

  • Lower the period of billing from seven to five days.

Objective: Reduce the cost of operations of the healthcare institution that is EMC

  • Target a reduction in operating costs from USD 50,000 to 45,000.

Patient Expectations

Objective: Reduce the rate of patient dissatisfaction with the healthcare services

  • Lower the rate from 25% percent to a target of 18%.

Objective: Do away with lawsuits related to malpractice and other claims

  • Cut down the number of cases from the current five to none at all.

Learning and Professional Development

Objective: Tackle any matters that still require resolution in the organization

  • Reduce unresolved issues from the current 12,000 to a target of just 5,000. Medical Organization Strategic Plan

Processes Internal to the Organization

Objective: Increase innovations within the organization’s employee ranks

  • Promote the emergence of more innovations within the organization from the current twelve to twenty.

Objective: Improve the control of inventory within the organization as a whole

  • Tighten the process of inventory control from the current 90% to a target of 95%.

Objective: Do better in preventing staff turnover that is preventable

  • Improve employee retention in their jobs from the current figure of thirty percent to a target figure of fifty percent.

Objective: Reduce the percentage of patient insurance

  • Lower the w/o insurance for patients from the current figure of 10% to five percent.


Eisenhower Health (2020). Mission statement. Retrieved 10 march 2020 from

Healthgrades (2020). Eisenhower Medical Center. Retrieved 10 March 2020 from

ResearchGate (n.d.). Eisenhower Medical Center. Retrieved 10 March 2020 from  Medical Organization Strategic Plan