Interprofessional Collaboration Strategies Essays

Interprofessional Collaboration Strategies Essays

In today’s changing healthcare environment, it is more important than ever for professional nurses to be skilled in collaborating with professionals from other healthcare disciplines. What communication strategies can professional nurses use to specifically promote collaboration with other healthcare disciplines and professionals?


Communication is one of the key components in health care system. “Effective communication and collaboration among health professional are imperative to provide patient-centered care”. (AANC Essentials Baccalaureate Education.  page 22). In today’s changing healthcare environment, it is important than ever for professional nurses to be skilled in collaborating with professionals from other health disciplines. “Collaboration is based on the complementarities of roles and understanding of these roles by the member of healthcare team”. Interprofessional Collaboration Strategies Essays (Leddy& pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing, 9th  edition  chapter 4 page 94), in order to promote collaboration, professional nurses need to confident, competent for interaction and use of SBAR technique for communication.


At first,  confident and competent are very important qualities for effective communication. It helps to gain trust, develop rapport, and comfort among health care discipline which improves practice and “influence several aspects such as leadership, decision making, and nursing care plan.”  (Journal of Nursing UFPE   Nov 2017 p 11) Interprofessional Collaboration Strategies Essays


Secondly, SBAR ( situation, background, assessment, recommendation) is “technique that provides a structure for communication among healthcare clinician by organizing the delivery of relevant patient information The desired outcome of SBAR communication technique is to structure healthcare information in logical sequences, making communication between healthcare professionals more understood and more efficient”  Communication error leads to an estimate 98,000 death and 17$ billion lost in health care cost annually. ( (Links to an external site.) (PP (Links to an external site.))


As a conclusion, SBAR technique and confident, competent interactive communication  strategies help to promote collaboration with other healthcare disciplines and professionals




AACN The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education (Links to an external site.)

 (Links to an external site.)     Massachusetts Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies (Links to an external site.)

Hood, L. J. (2018). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing(9th ed.). Philadelphia,

Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (Links to an external site.) (PP (Links to an external site.))

Journal of Nursing UFPE Nov 2017 page 11


Welcome to week 2!  This week we focus on interprofessional collaborations, and as part of that what we use as standardized communication strategies to effectively hand off patient care and patient needs.  What works in your facility?  In past years we have seen a variety of strategies;  SBAR, IPASS the Baton, a number of ways to organize care.  Communication between caregivers is a challenge when we don’t format our dialogue, and when we are intimidated by asking questions of physicians, or other clinical decisions.  What promotes better collaboration in your site?  Have a good week!  Beth Interprofessional Collaboration Strategies Essays




“Communication is an essential element of helping others. Mutual goals cannot be defined or achieved without effective communication.” As stated by L.H. Hood’s (2014) in Leddy & Peppers Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing, (page 80).

At the facility I work at, we use the SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) and the I Pass the Baton during handoff in the patient room.  Both these processes by which information is clearly and accurately exchanged among team members helps promotes better collaboration. (Hood, 2014). I believe the I Pass the Baton along with computer-aide tool that utilizes the patient’s medical record and assists with the generation of up to date patient information is a great communication strategy that works at the facility that I work.  It provides effective teamwork, promotes continuity, and improves patient safety.  A face to face communication during hand off allows the person who is receiving the patient to ask questions and clarify the plan of care for the patient.

There are usually multiple members of the interdisciplinary team which include the physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, registered dieticians, physical therapists, and speech pathology. I work night shift so I usually have the privilege of working with a few team members. At times, there are communication barriers and in order for effective communication to happen we need to clarify, correct misunderstandings, and respect that each individual has the competent skills capable of ensuring quality of care for the patient. For example I came across a patient who was receiving 2 types of blood transfusions and had an order for an antibiotic in which the patient was allergic to. The physician told the nurse that it was okay to administer the antibiotic and ordered a PRN Benadryl just in case the patient showed an allergic reaction. The first dose was due on my shift; I was not comfortable administering the medication because of the contraindication. I thought to myself what if a reaction did occur, how I would be able to differentiate whether it was from the antibiotic or the blood transfusion. I called the on-call doctor and was able to change the antibiotic. I felt such a relief after communicating with the doctor, patient safety is always a priority. Interprofessional Collaboration Strategies Essays


Hood, L.J. (2014). Leddy & Peppers Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Klower Health, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Interprofessional Collaboration Strategies Essays