Community Support Group Assignment

Community Support Group Assignment


The students will attend either Psychiatric Grand Rounds or a Community Support Meeting, enabling them to observe Mental Health concepts and techniques in a professional setting.

Course Outcomes-This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.


CO #1. Demonstrate knowledge of psychopathology and mental health principles when caring for individuals, families, and groups in acute care and community mental health settings. (PO #1)

CO #2. Collaborate with consumers and other mental health team members in health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities for psychiatric/mental health clients. (PO #2)

CO #4. Utilize critical thinking skills in clinical decision-making and implementation of the nursing process for psychiatric/mental health clients. (PO #4)

CO #5 Utilize available resources to meet self-identified goals for personal, professional, and educational development appropriate to the mental health setting.  (PO #5)

CO #7 Examine moral, ethical, legal, and professional standards and principles as a basis for clinical decision making. (PO #6)

CO# 8. Explain the rationale for selected nursing interventions based upon current nursing literature. (PO #8)

CO #9 Utilize research findings as a basis for the development of a group leadership experience.  (PO #8)



(See end of document for grading rubrics)

Due Date

All parts of this assignment must be completed and submitted to both the drop box by                      Feb.  6, 2022                     .


Confidentiality & Professionalism

Client confidentiality remains of utmost importance, and you will remain compliant with and respect all concepts of client confidentiality when participating in this assignment in regard to any cases discussed or discussion observed.  You are a guest of the facility and/or group you attend. You are expected to abide by facility timelines, rules, guidelines, and expectations.  Professionalism should be included in every interaction including all phone, email and personal correspondence. Community Support Group Assignment


Community Support Group

Research local community support , 12 Step Programs groups in the Dallas Fort Worth  area. (For example: Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous), There is a document with additional community services you may attend in Doc Sharing. You still need to request permission for any community service group. After gaining permission from the support group leader, attend the meeting (follow guidelines laid out below), and complete the accompanying written assignment related to the Community Support Group meeting.

  • Registration/Permission: You must call ahead to gain permission to attend the meeting from the group leader or organizer. No more than 2 students may attend the same group at the same time.YOU MAY HAVE TO FOLLOW COVID GUIDES
  • Dress code: You may wear appropriate street clothes ( no shsort, jeans , flip flops etc.) When gaining consent from the group leader, you should ask if this is appropriate. If the group requires you to wear street clothes, you should wear a Chamberlain shirt with black pants. 
  • Proof of Attendance: You must arrive early and remain present for the entire meeting. At the end of the session you will provide the proof of attendance in the form to the group leader, moderator or coordinator and ask for their signature as proof of your attendance. You must submit this form as an additional attachment and place both your assignment and attendance sheet in the appropriate drop box.
  • Written assignment: In APA format with appropriate grammar, submit a 2-3 page report (excluding title and reference sheet) including the following:
    • Description of the type of group attended, summary of groups purpose.
    • If the group has a mission statement, what is it?
    • Summarize the discussions – DO NOT write specific client information.
    • How can this experience be used in your own nursing practice, in Mental Health or in any other field of nursing when interacting with mental health patients?
    • How does this compare or contrast to your clinical experiences?
    • What reflections/observations did you have about this type of meeting and its impact on clients and yourself?
    • Utilize applicable and relevant outside resources (textbook, journal articles, etc.)- submit all references in APA format.

Go to Your Course, under Course Resources, See APA template, CCN Guidelines, etc to make sure you are following APA format. You have access to a librarian 24/7 in your course shell. Community Support Group Assignment

Attestation of Attendance


***This signed form must be signed, attached and submitted to the drop box with you written assignment.


This form is to attest that _________________________________________, Chamberlain College Student Nurse, has attended the below meeting.


Meeting Name:           _______________________________________________

Date Attended:            _______________________________________________

Time of meeting:         _______________________________________________



Signature of leader/moderator/organizer: _______________________________

Date:  ___________


Grading Rubrics

Assignment Criteria Points Possible Points Awarded Description
Technical Components of Assignment 15   ·         All written components are discussed, supported, and referenced.

·         Signed attendance attestation must be attached as a separate document. Community Support Group Assignment

Written Components of Assignment 75   ·         Paper is clearly written, thoughtful, have depth, analyzed and well organized.

·         Assignment fully answers all questions and shows thoughtful reflection.



10   ·         Correct use of Standard English grammar and sentence structure

·         No spelling or typographical errors

·         Document includes title and reference pages

·         Citations in the text and reference page


Total Possible Points = 100












Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance


A (92-100%)

Very Good or High Level of Performance


B (84-91%)

Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance


C (76-83%)

Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance


D (0-75%)



15.0 tp  13.8. pts



§  Introduction is present and easily and distinctly establishes the purpose of the paper.


§  Introduction  captures the attention of the reader

13.65 to .12.6 pts

Very Good


§   Introduction is present and generally establishes the purpose of the paper.


§   Introduction has appeal and generally captures

    the attention of the reader.


12.45 to 11.4 pts



§   Introduction is present and

generally establishes the purpose of the paper.


11.25 to 0 pts



§  No Introduction


Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance


A (92-100%)

Very Good or High Level of Performance


B (84-91%)

Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance


C (76-83%)

Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance


D (0-75%)


Written Components of Assignment have been met by addressing  the 7 components of the assignment.




50 to 46 points


§   Paper is excellently organized and written, including all components (introduction, body, and conclusion).


§   All questions answered with thoughtful consideration, depth and analysis.


§   Clear connections made to personal nursing practice and classroom learning/clinical.




   45.5 to 42 points


§    Paper is organized and included all components (introduction, body, conclusion), but lacks clarity in idea formation.


§   All questions answered sufficiently without clear analysis or deep consideration.



§   Minimal connections made to personal nursing practice and classroom/clinical work.



         41,5 to 38 points


§   Some organization evident, but lack of one or some components (introduction, body, conclusion) and lacking in clarity.



§   Some questions not answered, not answered fully, or lacking nursing practice consideration.



§   No connections made to personal practice and classroom/clinical work.






         37.5 to 0 points


§   Paper lacks organization or lacks components (introduction, body, conclusion).



§   Most questions not answered or incomplete.



§   No consideration given to personal practice and classroom/clinical work.










Mechanics and Formatting

     10 to 9.2 points


§   References are submitted with assignment. Textbook is required


§   Used appropriate APA format and are free of errors.


§   Includes title and reference pages.


§   Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

9.1 to 8.4 points


§   References are submitted with assignment.



§   Used appropriate APA format, but has one type of error.


§   Includes title and reference pages.


§   Grammar and mechanics have one type of error.




         83 to 76 points


§   References are submitted with assignment.


§   Used appropriate APA format, but have two types of errors.


§   Includes title and reference pages.


§   Grammar and mechanics have two types of errors.





75 – 0 points


§    No references submitted.


§    Attempts made to use APA format, but have three or more types of errors.


§    Includes title, reference pages


§    Grammar and mechanics have three or more types of errors









 Points Possible = 75



Community Support Group Assignment