Treatment And Diagnosis Of Child with drug abuse

Treatment And Diagnosis Of Child with drug abuse

Hongbiao Liu’s career path has been to be a doctor. His family members may have possibly influenced his career path. Beginning with his parents, all the members of his family have keenly followed in their footsteps. Living in an environment full of doctors is the reason Liu developed an interest in matters related to being a doctor. Subsequently, it is this interest that got him to join the medical school and pursues medicine until he acquired his PhD.

Dr. Liu has specialized in internal medicine as well as nuclear medicine in buffalo. He dedicated two of his years in studying internal medicine, which he studied in Florida. For three years, Liu studies nuclear medicine in Buffalo, which was followed by Nuclear-Radiology fellowship that he studied in Cleveland for one year. Following his intensive learning, Dr. Liu has worked for several reputable institutions such as the Memorial Medical Center and Brylin Hospital, which have helped him gain more knowledge Treatment And Diagnosis Of Child with drug abuse.


The medical field has changed tremendously since Dr. Liu finished Med school in 1981. Ever since, he has been practicing in the medical field and has seen numerous changes take place, such as the introduction of computers, modern medicine, as well as treatment for the diagnosis. When Dr. Liu started serving in the medical field, the use of computers was minimal within the field. However, hospitals have increased the use of computers, which are used to store a majority of the hospital’s information, including that of the patients they serve daily. Additionally, the medical field has been on the frontline of adopting the use of technology. Subsequently, the use of technology has resulted in better treatment as well as diagnosis.

The most memorable patient experience for Dr. Liu was when he diagnosed a small child with drug abuse and more specifically, cocaine. To him, this was a shocking incidence because he knew the effects of cocaine. Furthermore, the surprising part to him and the unanswered question was how a child as young as his patient had gained access to such an expensive and addictive drug Treatment And Diagnosis Of Child with drug abuse.

For Dr. Liu, the current treatment for cancer was not as proper as people thought. He suggested that there was still room for improvement, especially considering the technological developments in the medical field. Liu argued that if more research was done, better methods of treatment for cancer would be identified, which would consequently help in mitigating the disease.

According to Dr. Liu, communication is vital for any medical practitioner. Any physician treating cancer should possess the communication skill since it is through communicating that the patient can feel comfortable. When a patient is comfortable, he or she will give detailed information concerning how he or she feels. Liu alluded that being a physician is not about dealing with medicine, but instead being a physician is an art, and thus, a physician is an artist.

Dr. Liu’s typical work week is busy, and therefore, his biggest challenge is time. According to him, he lacks time to perform even the most essential things, such as eating. His day is usually hectic due to a lot of workloads. Subsequently, his busy schedule can be witnessed by the way this interview was conducted since it was conducted as he was going for lunch, due to his lack of time Treatment And Diagnosis Of Child with drug abuse.

The cure for cancer can only be acquired in future if there will be cooperation in every aspect. This cooperation should be between all sectors starting with the government having a partnership with the researchers in the medical field. The development of a collaboration between different institutions will bring funds as well as knowledge together, which can be used to develop radiotherapy to an advanced level so that a cure is acquired.

If given a billion dollars, Dr. Liu would fund the research of cancer in every aspect so that the various strategies in place could be combined to come up with a concrete solution for the development of the cure for cancer. The research can be conducted from multiple points of view. Each point of view will have a separate observation and conclusion. Combining these conclusions would result in the development of an outcome, which could be a cure for cancer.

When asked what it takes to be a better physician, Dr. Liu said that the essential thing is to become an artist in the medical field. Moreover, he added that communication is critical in any field. When dealing with patients, it is vital to be friendly because it creates a conducive environment for the patient. Through communication, the physician and the patient will interact, which will result in quality treatment Treatment And Diagnosis Of Child with drug abuse.