1-3 Worksheet: Ethical Theories And Models

After reading Chapter One in your textbook, apply what you have learned about ethical theories by looking at the scenario through each of the five theories. Complete the Ethical Theories Worksheet

To complete this assignment, review the Ethical Theories Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document.

You must use The ethical theories worksheet which is attached below along with the rubric.

The worksheet has the scenario on it. 1-3 Worksheet: Ethical Theories And Models


Ethical Theories Worksheet

Part One

Propose a solution to the following scenario using each of the five ethical theories presented in this module. Explain how your solution aligns with the major ideas within each theory.


Scenario: There is a pandemic of a contagious disease. In the United States, there is only enough of the vaccine to cover 70% of the population. How do you determine who gets the vaccine?


Theory Solution
a.       Utilitarianism  
b.      Rights-based ethics  
c.       Duty-based ethics  
d.      Justice-based ethics  
e.      Virtue-based ethics  


Part Two

Consider the same scenario, but explain what process you would need to add to your solution to protect the bioethics principles.


Principle Solution
a.       Autonomy  
b.      Beneficence  
c.       Nonmalfeasance  
d.      Justice