Healthcare Management Communication

APA FORMAT,DOUBLE SPACE,3 Page length (Not including Title and reference) , line spacing, and bullets: To allow the professor to consistently evaluate student submissions, this course requires uniform double spacing between lines of text and paragraphs. This means that there is no additional spacing between paragraphs or sections. Regardless of the assignment, the usage of bullets, inset numbered lists, and outlines is prohibited in course submissions. All observations must be written in the form of complete sentences. Healthcare Management Communication



Niagara Health System, Case Analysis Report:  include these four sections: problems/issues facing the organization, possible solutions, a recommended solution, and expected outcomes. The final three required sections (possible solutions, recommended solutions, and expected outcomes) should all be future-oriented. Do not repeat the facts provided by the case study or offer commentary on past events. Focus all of your writing and analysis attention on the communication aspects of this case. Pay particular attention on the importance of stakeholder segmentation and targeted messaging in solving virtually any communication problem. Finally, you should (need to) conduct research on solutions developed by other organizations in solving the problems that you have identified in the first section. Best practices from other organizations produce credible and authoritative recommendations and specific solutions for the problems you have identified that are remaining from the case study.

  • The Important Role of Stakeholders in Organizational Communication:Stakeholders are an essential group – multiple groups, actually. Stakeholders should be considered in your remaining writing assignments for this course. One authoritative source defines a stakeholder as an “individual or group that has an interest in any decision or activity of an organization.”  Internal stakeholders are people who are already committed to serving your organization as board members, staff, volunteers, and/or donors. External stakeholders who are engaged in contributing their views and experiences in addressing the issues that are important to them as patients, service users, and members of the local community. The major stakeholders in healthcare systems are patients, physicians, employers, insurance companies, pharmaceutical firms, and government. In many instances, it would be wise to consider the media as an external stakeholder. Healthcare Management Communication
