Nursing homework help

NUR612 WK 5

This is to be a full 4-5 page paper MINIMUM/MAXIMUM,  (not including the title, abstract and reference page) in 7th edition, professional APA format, with an abstract. Students must expound on the paper’s topics and not just answer the question in order to receive full credit.  Work must be reflective of a graduate student.



Submit a 4-5 page, 7th ed. APA paper, not including title and references.

  1. Select a PEER reviewed EBP Researchpaper from a professional advanced practice journal related to your APN track.  i.e. FNP, PSYCH article ….that is < 5 years old.
  2. Evaluate the paper using the following criteria.
    • Search: What method did you use to find the article? (Cochran library, Silver Platter etc.)
    • Journal name and year of article publication.
    • Title and author (s, all) of the article.
    • The topic and question under study?
    • Subjects – where and how many?
    • What were the research methods used in the study?
    • What did the finding show?
    • Interpret the finding. (i.e. p  value and sign levels.)  What does this mean?
    • What is the significance of the findings for professional practice in your specific APN track ? Nursing homework help
  3. Submit your paper to your ePortfolio site.
    • Submit a link at the bottom of your paper to the ePortfolio for your instructor.
  4. Submit a copy of the article along with your paper to the Canvas assignment site.

Due Date: Sunday February 13th at 11:59 pm EST

EBP Research Paper

EBP Research Paper
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Project Identification

Identifies an EBP article from a professional Advanced Practice journal in the students APN track. (Student must identify which track they are in.)
Student identifies the search method used to find the article? (Cochran library, Silver Platter etc.)
Identifies Journal name and year of article publication.
Identifies the title and all author of the article.

2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identifies the topic of the paper and the question under study.

Clearly identifies the topic/question under study.

2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Subjects and Research methods

Subjects – where found and how many?
What were the research methods used in the study?

1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Findings

What did the finding show?
Interpret the finding. (i.e. p value and sign levels.) What does this mean?

5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Significance of Findings

What is the significance of the findings for professional practice in your specific APN track ?

5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome PA Format

Paper is the required length and consistently documented in APA format with correct spelling, grammar, syntax.

1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References

Identifies at least 6 references in 7th ed APA format with the primary article being an EB research article in the students track that is no more than 5 years old.

3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Timeliness

Paper is submitted on time. Nursing homework help

1 pts
Total Points: 20