Workplace Environment Assessment

Workplace Environment Assessment

Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership, NURS-6053N

Workplace Environment Assessment

Work climate evaluation is vital to ensure an awareness of the situation at work. It offers a detailed description of the current environments that require an assessment to make it comfortable and suitable for work. The existing working environments inspire the organization’s success and overall service quality.

Purpose Statement

The paper discusses the outcomes of the organizational assessment, theoretical context, and approaches presented in the literature review, which address the shortcomings arising from the evaluation Workplace Environment Assessment.


Part 1 Workplace Assessment: Results

Workplace climate appraisal offered an incentive to observe the organization’s standards of civility. The assessment of the Clark Safe Workplace Inventory measures the circumstances existing and has generated varied outcomes. The findings revealed no direct, polite, and straightforward dialogue at all levels; the workers regarded it as a means to an end, and there was little proof of cooperation and coordination. Several community leaders emphasized that they would not consider the organization an ideal place to operate with families and friends. Notwithstanding shortcomings, the review shows that the organization hires and maintains even the finest and brightest workers, promoting a free exchange of views, although they oppose it (Clark, 2015)Workplace Environment Assessment.

Major Issues

Teamwork and teamwork and excellent communication are essential across the entire team. It was disturbing to notice that this was a concern not only in my unit but also for the organization as a whole. Such actions are counter to the organizational philosophy, which aims to promote cooperation and coordination, and constructive communication to facilitate the accomplishment of personal corporate and employee goals. Here are the concerns I’ve checked in my unit from my previous evaluation.

Workplace Civility

The assessment findings have indicated that there is little civility within the company. A company with a philosophy of civility encourages workers’ wellbeing and treats them with respect rather than a means to an end. It also promotes cooperation, coordination, and efficient contact.

Part 2: Reviewing Literature

The literature analysis showed that honest leadership, efficient management, successful decision-making, sufficient personnel, teamwork, and substantive appreciation are essential in fostering a safe work environment (Ramdhani, Ramdhani & Ainissyifa, 2017). Clark (2015) Further notes that joint mission and team values, respect for individual and organizational civility, civility exchanges at various levels, and emphasis on formal and informal leadership are essential in promoting a safe work environment Workplace Environment Assessment.

Corporate culture requires leadership preparation, acceptance, and incentives, team building, and collaboration. Workplace culture has a significant influence on the actions of the employee. Ramdhani et al. (2017) state that members will be able to promote open communication with workers, allowing them to address complaints. Also, many workers are reluctant to fix incivility because they feel that it can change(Ramdhani et al., 2017). However, to express their opinions, they need to train themselves properly to discuss the matters of concern. In establishing a protected environment, representing agreeing and checking, they will do so Workplace Environment Assessment.

How it relates to Selected Articles

Articles in the literature review also put a greater focus on fostering a corporate culture that respects good cooperation, coordination, mutual interests, partnership, which are the significant triggers of incivility found from the study. However, papers in the literature review focused mainly on promoting a business culture that values strong teamwork, collaboration, shared goals, relationships, which are the leading incivility causes observed in the report (Clark, 2015).

Organizational Health Improvement

The company would benefit significantly from the analytical structure provided in a study of the literature. The awareness generated would assist in the decision-making process and implement appropriate measures to affect the enterprise’s culture. The organization has to strengthen coordination and connectivity and cooperation (Ramdhani et al., 2017). However, this can only happen When they tend to consider the employee as associates instead of subjects (Yan & Li, 2017). The organization has to improve collaboration through the use of team-building practices.

Part 3: Evidence-based Strategies for High-performance Interprofessional Team

Strategies to Improve Shortfalls

A person should consider a safe space and self-reflection while discussing successful communication problems and stressing collaboration. The shift is an incremental cycle that begins with any person in an organization (Gluyas, 2015). Therefore, the evolution of corporate culture that encourages collaboration and efficient communication will continue to improve the employee’s interest. Self-reflection is not necessary for the providing of service to the company but personal development. The probability of preserving culture is strong when introduced by the staff (Brazdauskaite & Rasimaviciene, 2015)Workplace Environment Assessment.

Upon assessing and considering it capable of the desired improvement, they will find a secure place to express the company’s desired change. The shift may be introduced from the different organizational units via daily meetings and elevated to the top management (Nagy &

Curl-Nagy, 2019). On the planned changes, the senior management will then call the team heads.

Strategies to Bolster Successful Practices

The effective behaviors in the organization can strengthen through enhancing a conducive working environment in the organization. The organization found to retain qualified employees; this can improve if they make the working conditions more favorable for them (Kent, Goetzel, Roemer, Prasad & Freundlich,2016). Enhancement of working conditions can achieve through addressing issues of communication and appreciation of their work.

Individuals given the freedom to express themselves on particular ideas of concern to them; this does not only promote the advocacy process. The organization can enhance and promote freedom of expression through joint meetings and equal delegation of duties. These changes will offer the employee the opportunity to learn how they can advocate their issues that are not conducive to the organization. Besides, through these forums, the employee can be equipped with skills in conflict resolution Workplace Environment Assessment.


Assessment in the workforce helps with recognizing the differences, an effort to minimize them. Teamwork and teamwork and efficient contact are areas of corporate importance. Discussing these problems boost the organization’s civility. The literature review has emphasized that coordination, cooperation, and valuable communication are essential elements of an organization. The outcome of the conversation will affect the decision-making process and policy development to enhance interpersonal civility. Self-reflection and proper planning will reduce the shortfalls. The transition should start with an employee, then scale up to senior management through the unit members. Aspects that are successful in the organization, by making the workplace more comfortable, will changeWorkplace Environment Assessment.


Assessment in the workforce provides the ability to evaluate the company’s situation, equipping a person with organizational shortcomings and strengths. The issues facing a single agency are impacting the whole company. To maintain a safe work environment, excellent communication, coordination, cooperation, and acknowledgment of employee contributions are essential. Therefore they should be supported by a company through evidence-based activities such as open collaboration, enhancing interprofessional relationships, and a favorable working climate.


Brazdauskaite, G., & Rasimaviciene, D. (2015). Towards the creative university: Developing a conceptual framework for transdisciplinary teamwork. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, (1).

Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. Am Nurs


Gluyas, H. (2015). Effective communication and teamwork promotes patient safety. Nursing

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Kent, K., Goetzel, R. Z., Roemer, E. C., Prasad, A., & Freundlich, N. (2016). Promoting healthy workplaces by building cultures of health and applying strategic communications. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine58(2), 114-122.

Nagy, M. S., & Curl-Nagy, D. J. (2019). Workplace civility training: An antidote to traditional sexual harassment training. Industrial and Organizational Psychology,12(01), 93-95. doi:10.1017/iop.2019.16

Ramdhani, A., Ramdhani, M. A., & Ainissyifa, H. (2017). Conceptual Framework of Corporate

Culture Influenced on Employees Commitment to Organization. International Business Management11(3), 826-830.

Yan, Y., & Li, J. (2017). Beyond incivility in the workplace: Using civility interventions to proactively deescalate workplace incivility. Advances in Psychological Science,25(2),

319. doi:10.3724/sp.j.1042.2017.00319 Workplace Environment Assessment