which is probably the most common route for membrane flow in the endomembrane system?

SCIE 206-Biology Midterm

Of the following, which is probably the most common route for
membrane flow in the endomembrane system?

A.) Golgi→lysosome →ER→plasma membrane
B.) tonoplast→plasma membrane→nuclear
envelope→smooth ER
C.) nuclear envelope→lysosome→Golgi→plasma
D.) rough ER→vesicles→Golgi→plasma membrane
E.) ER→chloroplasts→mitochondrion→cell

A patient has had a serious accident and lost a lot of
blood. In an attempt to replenish body fluids, distilled
water, equal to the volume of blood lost, is transferred directly
into one of his veins. What will be the most probable result
of this transfusion?

A.) It will have no unfavorable effect as long as
the water is free of viruses and bacteria.
B.) The patient’s red blood cells will shrivel
up because the blood fluid is hypotonic compared to the cells.
C.) The patient’s red blood cells will swell
because the blood fluid is hypotonic compared to the cells.
D.) The patient’s red blood cells will shrivel up
because the blood fluid is hypertonic compared to the cells.
E.) The patient’s red blood cells with burst
because the blood fluid is hypertonic compared to the cells.

Which of the following is (are) true for anabolic

A.) They do not depend on enzymes
B.) They are usually highly spontaneous
chemical reactions
C.) They consume energy to build up polymers
from monomers.
D.) They release energy as they degrade polymers to

Substrate-level phosphorylation accounts for approximately what
percentage of the ATP formed during glycolysis?

A.) 0%
B.) 2%
C.) 10%
D.) 38%
E.) 100%

How many ATP molecules could be made through substrate-level
phosphorylation plus oxidative phosphorylation (chemiosmosis) if
you started with three molecules of succinyl CoA and ended with

A.) 6
B.) 12
C.) 18
D.) 24
E.) 36

Which of the following are products of the light reactions of
photosynthesis that are utilized in the Calvin cycle?

A.) CO2 and glucose
B.) H2O and O2
C.) ADP, Pi, and NADP+
D.) Electrons and H+

Where does the Calvin cycle take place?

A.) Stroma of the chloroplast
B.) Thylakoid membrane
C.) Cytoplasm surrounding the chloroplast
D.) Chlorophyll molecule
E.) Outer membrane of the chloroplast

In an experiment studying photosynthesis performed during the
day, you provide a plant with radioactive carbon (14C) dioxide as a
metabolic tracer. The 14C is incorporated first into oxaloacetate.
The plant is best characterized as a

A.)C4 plant
B.) C3 plant
C.) CAM plant
D.) heterotroph
E.) chemoautotroph

The movement of substances from lower to higher concentration
across a semipermeable membrane that must have a specific protein
carrier and use energy is called

A.) Facilitated diffusion
B.) Diffusion
C.) Active transport
D.) Osmosis
E.) Endocytosis

Each FADH2 that enters the electron transport system gives rise
to _______ATP

A.) 2
B.) 3
C.) 24
D.) 36
E.) 38

Each NADH that enters the electron transport system gives rise
to _________ATP

A.) 2
B.) 3
C.) 24
D.) 36
E.) 38

About 25 of the 92 natural elements are known to be essential
to life. Which four of these 25 elements make up approximately 96%
of living matter?

Carbon, sodium, chlorine, nitrogen
Carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, hydrogen
Oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, sodium
Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen
Carbon, oxygen, sulfur, calcium

Hydrophobic substances such as vegetable oil are

Nonpolar substances that repel water molecules
Nonpolar substances that have an attraction for water
Polar substances that repel water molecules
Polar substances that have an affinity for water
Charged molecules that hydrogen-bond with water molecules.

Trace elements are those required by an organism in only minute
quantities. Which of the following is a trace element that is
required by humans and other vertebrates?

A.) Nitrogen
B.) Calcium
C.) Iodine
D.) Sodium
E.) Phosphorus

In a single molecule of water, two hydrogen atoms are bonded to
a single oxygen atom by

A.) Hydrogen bonds
B.) Nonpolar covalent bonds
C.) Polar covalent bonds
D.) Ionic bonds
E.) Van der Waals interactions

Which of the following solutions has the greatest concentration
of hydrogen ions [H+]?

A.) Gastric juice at pH 2
B.) Vinegar at pH 3
C.) Tomato juice at pH 4
D.) Black coffee at pH 5
E.) Household bleach at pH 12

Organic chemistry is a science based on the study of

A.) Functional groups
B.) Vital forces interacting with manner
C.) Carbon compounds
D.) Water and its interaction with other kinds of
E.) Inorganic compounds

How many electron pairs does carbon share in order to complete
its valence shell?

A.) 1
B.) 2
C.) 2
D.) 4
E.) 8

Which of the following is not a polymer?

A.) Glucose
B.) Starch
C.) Cellulose
D.) Chitin

A molecule with the formula C18H36O2 is probably a

A.) Carbohydrate
B.) Fatty acid
C.) Protein
D.) Nucleic acid
E.) hydrocarbon