School Nurse Experience And Reflective Essay

1. School Nurse Experience and Reflective Essay

The School Nurse Experience provides the student with exposure to the school-age child and their interaction with a health care professional in the school setting. The student needs to observe the interaction of the nurse with the acute and chronic medical conditions as well as the promotion of health.

Students will be assigned to an elementary, middle, or high school in the Toms River School District to shadow the school nurse(s) for one full day as a clinical experience. The student may assist the school nurse by performing basic assessments (temperatures, heights/weights) as directed by the school nurse. The student cannot administer any medications or provide any treatments.

The student will arrive 15 minutes earlier than the start of school to which they are assigned in professional attire, the OCC Lab coat and OCC name tag. Upon arrival, report and sign in at the Main Office. The student will stay for the entire day the nurse has students in the school. Note: you must notify the Professor if there are any relatives, friends or friends’ children in that school.

Objectives for the School Nurse Experience:

  1. Observe the nurse’s assessment of pediatric patients with select      health alterations.
  2. Integrate appropriate therapeutic communication techniques with      pediatric patients.
  3. Observe the nurse as care is prioritized throughout the day
  4. Identify appropriate growth and development milestones in the      pediatric population.
  5. Observe the school nurse’s interactions with children and other      professionals.

A 500-800 word reflective typed essay is Due by midnight on the 5th day after the school nurse clinical. Post online in eCompanion. The passing grade for the School Nurse Essay is 75 based on the following rubric and is a requirement for Satisfactory status on the course clinical evaluation.