Successful Implementation Of Electronic Health Information Technology

Post  a 1 page in APA( no more than 250 words) analysis of the ramifications of an organization not involving nurses in each stage of the systems development life cycle when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. Give specific examples of potential issues at each stage and how the inclusion of nurses could help avoid such issues. CITE SOURCES, USE AT LEAST 3 REFERENCES

FYI: To prepare: •Review the steps of the systems development life cycle. •Think about your own organization, or one with which you are familiar, and the steps the organization goes through when purchasing and implementing a new HIT system. •Consider what a nurse could contribute to decisions made at each stage when planning for new health information technology. What might be the consequences of not involving nurses? •Reflect on your own experiences with your organization selecting and implementing new technology. As an end user, do you feel you had any input in the selection or and planning of the new HIT system?