Nursing Change Project

Topic: In Hispanic patients living in South Florida with diabetes type

II, does lifestyle modification such as diet and physical activity

help lower HBA1C compared to those who do not make life style changes.

Stakeholder: Sanitas medical center- primary care and

Florida Blue health insurance

Part A: 1 page

Develop your project aims, values, and desired outcomes portion of your paper using a clinical microsystem approach.

  • 1. Describe the project aim: The project aim should include examples of features and functions that will occur as a result of implementing your change project.
  • 2. Describe the project value: The value should describe the benefits of the change project implementation to the stakeholders, the organization, and the nursing profession.
  • 3.Describe the desired outcomes: Specifically, state the purpose, quality focus, and viewpoint of the project as well as its expected accomplishments. A project goal should reference the project’s business benefits in terms of cost, time, and/or quality that address individual and family healthcare needs or changes, results, impacts, or consequences that the project has on people, programs, or institutions. Goals and objectives should be measurable, shared, and agreed on by all key stakeholders. They are directly linked to the concept of project success factors.

The project, aims, values, and desired outcomes are well-developed. They are clear and thorough, and there is evidence that a clinical microsystems approach is used. Aims include examples of projected features and functions. Values include implementation benefits for specific stakeholders. Desired outcomes state the purpose, have a quality focus, and describe the benefits that will occur as a result of implementation.

Part B: Theoretical framework- 4 pages

For this section of your paper, you must specifically identify and address two independent theories or conceptual models that relate directly to your change project in addition to the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle. Keep in mind that your theoretical framework provides the structure for your change project. Think of it as a frame for a new home that is being built. The framework is what guides and directs your change project. Basically, it will help make sense of your change project. Make sure to describe how you will apply these theories and models to your change project.

This paper should be at least four pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.