strategic Plan for Achieving Specific Health Care Quality and Safety Improvements

strategic Plan for Achieving Specific Health Care Quality and Safety Improvements

Develop a 5-10 year strategic plan for achieving specific health care quality and safety improvements, based on the analysis you completed in Assessment 1. Use either an AI approach or your SWOT analysis and a chosen strategic planning model.


Note: You will use your care setting environmental analysis as the basis for developing your strategic plan in this assessment.

Regardless of the approach you choose, the requester of the plan has asked that you address the key points outlined below in the strategic plan requirements. In addition, your plan should be 5–8 pages in length.

Strategic planning models aid in setting goals, establishing time frames, and forging a path toward achieving those goals. Consider the strategic planning models you are familiar with:

  • Which model would you choose to create goals and outcomes that could address the area of concern you identified in your Assessment 1 SWOT analysis?
  • Why is this model the best choice among alternatives?
  • How does goal setting through appreciative inquiry provocative propositions differ from goal setting in the strategic planning model you selected? strategic Plan for Achieving Specific Health Care Quality and Safety Improvements


Writing, Supporting Evidence, and APA Style

  • Write clearly, with professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues.
  • Integrate relevant sources of evidence to support your assertions.
    • Cite at least 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence.
  • Format your document using APA style. Use. Be sure to include:
    • A title page and reference page. An abstract is not required.
    • A running head on all pages.
    • Appropriate section headings.
    • Properly formatted citations and references.
  • Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your analysis.


Strategic Plan

  • Develop strategic goal statements and outcomes that reflect specific quality and safety improvements for your care setting. You should have at least one short-term goal (just-in-time to one year) and one long-term goal (five years or longer).
    • Determine realistic timelines for achieving your goals.
    • Explain how your short-term goals support your long-term goals.

Note: For plans based on an AI approach, the goal statements and outcomes are provocative propositions that may be refinements of the positive, yet attainable, goals that you proposed during the dream phase of your inquiry. For plans based on a SWOT analysis, the goal statements and outcomes are specific, measurable, and applicable to the area of concern in your analysis for which you proposed pursuing improvements. strategic Plan for Achieving Specific Health Care Quality and Safety Improvements

  • Justify the relevance of your proposed strategic goals and outcomes in relation to the mission, vision, and values of your care setting.
  • Analyze the extent to which your strategic goals and outcomes, and your approach to achieving them, address:
    • The ethical environment.
    • The cultural environment.
    • The use of technology.
    • Applicable health care policies, laws, and regulations.
  • Explain, in general, how you will use relevant leadership and health care theories to help achieve your proposed strategic goals and outcomes.
    • Consider whether different theories are more applicable to the short-term or long-term goals of your strategic plan.
  • Evaluate the leadership qualities and skills that are most important to successfully implementing your proposed plan and sustaining strategic direction.
    • Identify those leadership qualities and skills that are essential to achieving your goals and outcomes and sustaining strategic direction.
    • Identify those leadership qualities and skills that will have the greatest effect on the success of your plan. strategic Plan for Achieving Specific Health Care Quality and Safety Improvements