Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

n a 2 to 3 page, double-spaced essay (12pt font), write a personal and reflective essay and write it as an example of your best writing.  Grammar, spelling, format, will all count.  You must use at least one short quote from the reading  “How to be True to Your Word” but no more than three short quotes and all quotes must be placed in quotation marks and followed immediately by proper APA citation information in parentheses.  No other written sources for this essay should be quoted, copied, or summarized.   No more than 40 words are allowed in any one quote.  The full source information of the quote must also be listed at the end of the essay under work cited Nursing homework help.


After reading the article “How to be True to Your Word”, write about the following: Based on your experience with someone in your life who was not true to their word, tell the story of what happened and how it affected the relationship (you may use a false name for the person).  Explain what one thing makes untruthfulness so very wrong in your view.  Is your explanation of what’s wrong with a broken promise a consequentialist or a non-consequentialist type of reasoning?  Explain.  At what point does Cat Thompson use consequentialist or non-consequentialist reasoning about what’s wrong with untruthfulness in the article on “How to be True to Your Word” (LINK (Links to an external site.))?  Identify and explain the use as one or the other type of reasoning.  Support your answers from the article Nursing homework help