Professional Nursing Practice

Professional Nursing Practice

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Describe how the educational level achieved by a nurse or the entry point into professional nursing practice affects the quality and competence of a nurse’s participation in policy making.Why it is important for registered nurses to influence the regulatory process? Does the nurses education have influence on their ability to make an impact? . Professional Nursing Practice

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Repli 1 Alexis

A nurse’s contribution in policy making has validity. Law makers gain a better understanding of health policy reform when perspectives are provided by health care professionals. In addition, nurses who advance their career and remain updated on laws can participate effectively in policy making. No matter the educational level, nurses can also inspire change, and provide practical reference on current health policies. “Nurses’ influence in health polices protects patient safety, increases quality of care, and facilitates their access to the required resources and promotes quality health care” (Arabi et al., 2014). Moreover, nurses, who expand their nursing knowledge by continuing education, have more autonomy, clinical credibility, and more expertise on the political aspects of health. With these attributes, nurses can become political leaders, and have influence in policy development. “Nurses as professional advocators are concerned about nursing workforce, nurse — patient ratio, prevention of malpractice, and the expansion role of nurses” (Arabi, et., 2014). A nurse’s educational status expands professional development, and the ability to discern what policies works for nurses, and patients collectively. Professional Nursing Practice



Reply 2 Ophelia


Nurses as direct caregivers spend more time with patients than any disciple. What nurses do have a huge impact on the care that our patients received. Decision makers need to hear from all the nurses, from the experienced nurse advocate to the direct patient-care nurse. If nurses do not stand up to the issues that are important then those with competing interest in healthcare are the only ones whose voices will be heard. As nurses we think of policy as something that can influence a change in our practice of nursing and not just something that will happen. Becoming a nurse advocate doesn’t need to be overwhelming but it does require some experience, preparation, and knowledge on the law and all its processes. Professional Nursing Practice

Week 8 Discussion Prompt 2

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Reflect on what you have learned in this course. What were your major takeaways? Surprises? How will you apply what you have learned to your career?

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Reply 1 Kimberly

I am glad that I took this class because it has taught me a lot about different laws/bills which protect nurses and the patients from being abused and neglected. What I liked the most in this course is when we had to watch a video regarding public policy making. I now know how policies are being implemented, it has to go through vigorous question and answer, you have to show your stance and why you believe in it. The speaker needs to tackle the importance of it, why it is beneficial to the society. It is important that these reasonings are addressed to be able to decide if it really is for the greater advantage and good for the public. Also, I liked the debate part wherein we had to present about on going ethical issues we face in reality. It makes us research and be more aware of these things that we do not really see in our surroundings.  Professional Nursing Practice


Reply 2 Rupiter


In this course, I have learned an abundance of new information that will be useful in my Nursing career.  Prior to enrolling in this course, I was not very familiar with the process that policies needed to go through in order to be established. Our projects of reviewing a bill and policy meeting approval helped to really support my understanding. The major take away from this course was that there is a need for more Nurses to get involved in the policy making process. Nurse serve the front line and have the ability to be even more impactful by using their knowledge to shape organizational policies that drive the best interest of the patient. This class has enhanced my critical thinking skills enabling me to look through multiple lens in efforts to understand the best plan of action. Professional Nursing Practice

After taking this course, I challenge myself to get engaged in the policy making process. “Everyday nurses see how health policy decisions such as access to health care based on preexisting medical conditions, impact patients and their families and how organizational staffing policies may harm patients and adversely affect nursing and their working environments” (Badovinac, 1997). There is a need for Nurses to be committed to being an advocate for their patient. I enjoy having a voice and being a voice for those who are unable to speak up on their behalf. I am committed to being an advocate for my patient and I think engaging in the policy making process is me taking it to the next level as well as upholding my commitment to providibg the highest quality care to all of my patients. Professional Nursing Practice