Health Care Economics Research Paper

Health Care Economics Research Paper

  • Do not write out the data in sentence format. Use a table or chart and highlight the data if you are using data.
  • Formatting and style guide is APA
  • include references please  Health Care Economics Research Paper

The articles for the case brief details Consumerism in the Healthcare (HC) setting.  Smart consumers in every industry want to get the most and the best for the least.  That is the theme in Healthcare as well.  Since WWII there has existed this drive to get and be the best.  Through the 1950s and 60s, the start of recognizing that HC was and is going to drive the economy brought many changed in the way we provide care to patients.  HMOs in the 70s, Managed care in the 80s, 90s and into this century.  The “educated consumer is our best customer” (coined from an ad for a clothing store) is now at odds for a new type of HC delivery system!  Health Care Economics Research Paper


Questions to answer :

Is the rise in Consumerism good for this industry, not only now, but the forecast for patient care (both on the delivery AND on the payment side) is indeed changing.  Will consumerism keep pace with these changes and be sustained at the current level? Will care be ‘convenient’ enough for patients?

References to use : (I have also attached two other references)

Zeckhauser, R., Sommers, B. (Nov, 2013), Consumerism in Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities. AMA Journal of Ethics.  Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

PwC Health Research Institute. (Apirl 2020). The Covid 19 Pandemic is Influencing consumer health behavior:  Are the changes here to stay. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Health Care Economics Research Paper