How the content and assignments met the course objective(s)? Provide examples of actual or potential applications of the course week’s course concepts.

  • How the content and assignments met the course objective(s)?
  • Provide examples of actual or potential applications of the course week’s course concepts.
  • Successes or challenges that you had for the week in terms of the course content.  Each Reflection in Action Entry should be at least 400 word.
    • The Build Initiative: A Framework for Evaluating Systems Initiatives
    • Nurses Making Policy: Chapters 1 & 2.
    • American Organization for Nurse Executives (AONE)
      • American Nurses Association (ANA)
      • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
    • Example of an elective organization:
      • (AACN) Student Policy Summit
      • American Association Critical Care Nurses
    • Legislative Process:
      • How A Bill Becomes a Law
    • Telehealth:
      • Telehealth State Laws and Reimbursement Policies
      • Telehealth Legal and Regulatory Module