Nursing homework help

Review the posts made by your classmates and reply to at least two who took a position other than your own. Reply to those posts indicating which aspect(s) of their reasoning you found most compelling.


As of 2019, premarital genetic testing is no longer a requirement in the U.S. (McMaken, 2019).

Requiring pre-marriage genetic testing is a very political discussion because, although it has many benefits such as avoiding hereditary diseases, it brings forward legal issues such as:

· A doctor finding out patient A, who is related to patient B, is genetically determined to experience cancer, which would mean patient B also has those chances. The doctor may chose to say nothing and let the family handle the information or they could risk violating HIPAA laws and say something to Patient B.

I do not believe it should be legal for states to require pre-marital genetic testing. I think it should be the couples choice to get genetically tested. The genetic testing only tells you what you COULD pass to your offspring with no guarantee they will receive those genetic mutations.

Violation of autonomy is the main factor I believe pre-marital genetic testing should not be required. According to Ebrahim (2018), “the imposition of mandatory premarital genetic testing by the State compromises the autonomy of the populace and that is considered to be unethical.” Nursing homework help


Ebrahim, A. F. (2018). Mandatory Premarital Genetic Screening For Hereditary Disease In Light Of The Five Objectives Of Islamic Law. The Egyptian Journal of Fertility of Sterility22(1), 23-27.


McMaken, R. (2019, October 16). The pre-marriage blood test in America is now gone. Mises Institute. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from


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I do agree with you on this being something that is informative and a good educational piece for soon-to-be married couples. I believe being better informed will allow couples to re-evaluate their readiness of parenthood. It first gives them the idea that not all pregnancies are going to be easy and/or all children will be healthy. Being an LPN I work at a Same Day Clinic- I asked a provider on this subject and they agreed it would be nice to have done but we all know the evils of greed. What happens when insurance companies start wanting this information? Will they increase the cost for people that have a higher risk of conceiving children with genetic defects? Will they use the samples to gather more information than originally discussed? What would they do with that information? I like to think that this isn’t something that would happen but after thoughts I am on the fence. I think it should be treated like vaccines. We have “mandated” vaccines but people can opt out of.


But then with the discussion of the greed… who is going to ensure the protection of the public and make sure the information is not going to get into the wrong hands?


Interesting thing is due to the pandemic Singapore; which has universal health care has stopped covering all bills related to COVID if the person is not vaccinated. I have a feeling that insurances here in the US wont be far behind on that, as in higher premiums, not covering COVID related illness if you’re not vaccinated…


Harrison. V (11/2021) Nursing homework help