Health Information Management Essay

Health Information Management Essay

Assignment Description:

Please review the following scenario and complete the assignment noted:

You are a newly hired HIM professional, and you have been assigned to spend time with an HIM student who is participating in their professional practice exercise (PPE).  The student needs to learn about the following types of reimbursement methodologies:

  • ACO’s (Accountable Care Organizations).
  • Fee-for-service (including self-pay, traditional retrospective payment, and managed care)
  • Episode-of-care (capitated payment, global payment, and prospective payment)


Develop a training session with examples utilizing PowerPoint inclusive of the reimbursement methodologies mentioned above.  Include in your training of the student any relevant teaching points as well as how you intend to evaluate the student’s knowledge.

Your presentation should be at least 15 slides in length (not counting title and reference slides), utilize the notes section, and be audience ready.

Cite sources as appropriate. Health Information Management Essay