Access To Health Services Paper

Access To Health Services Paper

This will be a 10 pages paper not including the title page or references. The topic would be ( Access to health services). Please follow the guidelines below.

APA format, Intext citation, References within the last 5 years.

please make this paper from the point of view of a nurse in a community settings, such as in a hospital, clinic interview staff, patient advocates government office in NYC.


  1. Apply culturally competent health strategies and emphatic caring to the care of individuals, families, groups, and communities
  2. Build relationships with community members and leaders of community groups and organizations to achieve mutually set health goals
  3. Educate individuals, families, groups, and communities from a variety of cultural backgrounds about health promotion, health protection, and disease prevention
  4. Assess health/ illness beliefs, values, attitudes, and practices of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations
  5. Promote achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care for diverse populations Access To Health Services Paper