Nursing Assigned Article Summary

Nursing Assigned Article Summary

Certification in a nursing career is quite crucial. While the process may seem complicated and a limiting step to the individual nurse graduates and others, it presents one with many benefits that not only upholds its importance but validates its necessity. Being certified upholds professionalism in nursing by recognizing that a nurse has acquired a nursing degree, can use critical thinking a nursing theory to handle case problems, their commitment to the service and readiness to take accountability of their actions. While organizations provide financial incentives certified nurses in efforts of attracting nursing specialty certification, studies show that on average, certified nurses are paid more by 23% compared to their uncertified counterparts. This nullifies the cost incurred when paying for the certification examinations, courses or preparation materials Nursing Assigned Article Summary.


In addition, having a professional certificate presents one as unique and stands a better chance of getting employed and promotion rewards as it makes you different from others. Besides, organizations have set honorary for nurses with specialty certification. Some offer breakfast, other recognition of certification on badges, award congratulatory certificates, appear in newsletters, and get poster-sized photos and videos of certification nurses which acts as an encouragement to other uncertified professionals. Certification helps to build competence and self-confidence decreasing the likelihood of turnovers, impacting positively on patient care, and increasing both patient and nurse satisfaction. These benefits make the certification necessary for a nurse as an individual.

Nurses have a wide variety of specialties for certification, typically more than 180. The process of certification begins with reflecting on the field of interest. After settling on a specific specialty, arrangements are made to take up examinations after ascertaining that they qualify for the process. For complete preparation for the exam, one can have additional education sessions or peer revision groups. This will help one to remember what is required of them as well as using the prepared curriculum to culminate the obtained knowledge for better exam performance Nursing Assigned Article Summary.


Impact on Future Practice Assigned Article

The certification process described in this article is quite instrumental in the future nursing career. New members in the profession are faced with difficulties in drawing certification meaning and executing the process. The benefits and importance of being certified outlined in the article act as an informant and encouragement. Nurses will be able to visualize and way out the benefits they have as certified professionals versus when uncertified. Besides, it helps one learn that getting specialty specifications is not only a personal growth and career development but also a win-win affair for the nurse, patient, and the organization. While nurses have an individual gain of ascertaining their validity and experience, it earns them trust not only from the organization but also from the patient. Nursing career and profession filled with certified staff are likely to promote patient care quality as patients feel they are being attended to by legitimate staff and hence better services. It will lead to the creation of a field that is governed by confidence and result in better care outcomes.


Certification in nursing career presents many benefits to both the individual nurse, the organization, and the patient. However, most of the advantages are enjoyed by the certified nurse. While certification upholds professionalism, it comes along with associated costs that limit the acquisition of the certificate. The incentives obtained from certification including the building of confidence in the nurse, increasing patient trust in the employees and hospitals as well as standing a better chance for opportunities like promotion and high ascertains its need. With good preparation to take up the certification process, it can help remove the fears from uncertified nurses as they become confident to face the exams.



Barbara, B., B., (2018). Making the Case for Nursing Specialty Certification: Promote the Profession, advance your Career, and Improve Patient Care. Pictorial Article of American Nurse Today. Peer Review Journal of Nursing, Dec 2018; 13(12): pp. 60-61Nursing Assigned Article Summary.