Assignment: Nursing Intervention

Assignment: Nursing Intervention


A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process.

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project Assignment: Nursing Intervention.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

PICOT format is a helpful approach for summarizing research questions that explore the effect of an intervention.


  • (P) – Population refers to the problem and the population that is effected.
  • (I) – Intervention refers to will be provided to solve or improve the problem
  • (C) – Comparison identifies what you plan on using as a reference to compare with your  intervention
  •  (O) – Outcome represents what result you plan on measuring to examine the effectiveness of your intervention
  •  (T) – Time describes the duration for your data collection.

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

  1. Evidence-Based Solution
  2. Nursing Intervention
  3. Patient Care
  4. Health Care Agency
  5. Nursing Practice

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center Assignment: Nursing Intervention.

30.0 %Identification of Clinical Problem/Issue

30.0 %Clinical Problem/Issue, Including Description, Evidence-Based Solution, Nursing Intervention, Patient Care, Health Care Agency, and Nursing Practice

10.0 %PICOT Statement Focused on Resolution, Improvement, Application, and Intervention

10.0 %PICOT Statement Including Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, and Time


Butcher, L. (2016). Stepping up against SEPSIS. H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks90(1), 38-42.

Clarke, R., Bird, S., Kakuchi, I., Littlewood, T., & Hamel Parsons, V. (2015). The signs, symptoms and help-seeking experiences of neutropenic sepsis patients before they reach hospital: a qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer23(9), 2687-2694. doi:10.1007/s00520-015-2631-y

Ford, A., & Marshall, E. (2014). Neutropenic sepsis: a potentially life-threatening complication of chemotherapy. Clinical Medicine (London, England)14(5), 538-542. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.14-5-538

Knight, T., Ahn, S., Rice, T. W., & Cooksley, T. (2017). Acute Oncology Care: A narrative review of the acute management of neutropenic sepsis and immune-related toxicities of checkpoint inhibitors. European Journal of Internal Medicine4559-65. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2017.09.025

Raz, B. (2017). Neutropenic sepsis. Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain): 1987)31(48), 64-65. doi:10.7748/ns.31.48.64. s47

Vossen, M. G., Milacek, C., & Thalhammer, F. (2018). Empirical antimicrobial treatment in haemato-/oncological patients with neutropenic sepsis. ESMO Open3(3), e000348. doi:10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000348

Wells, T., Thomas, C., Watt, D., Fountain, V., Tomlinson, M., & Hilman, S. (2015). Improvements in the management of neutropenic sepsis: lessons learned from a district general hospital. Clinical Medicine (London, England)15(6), 526-530. doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.15-6-526 Assignment: Nursing Intervention