Entries by Alex

Professional Capstone And Practicum Reflective Journal

Professional Capstone And Practicum Reflective Journal Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice. This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their […]

The impact that Ayurvedic Medicine can have on the global community

The impact that Ayurvedic Medicine can have on the global community Read and familiarize yourself with all the Ayurvedic resources in Lesson 2 (Web links, Videos, Journal Articles, etc.) Use the Internet to further explore Ayurvedic Medicine, and answer the following questions: Give an example of how Ayurvedic Medicine can empower patients. Describe the impact […]

Nursing Management of Labor and Birth at Risk

Nursing Management of Labor and Birth at Risk 1. Laura is a 26-year-old G2P1 who had a cesarean delivery for fetal distress with her first pregnancy. Laura is now struggling with deciding between a repeat cesarean delivery or attempting a VBAC. (Learning Objective 9) a. In order to ensure that Laura has the facts to […]

Curriculum Design And Program Evaluation

Curriculum Design And Program Evaluation Curriculum design is an essential part of a program design and it guides stakeholders to achieve overall desired course and program outcomes. Program evaluation is a routine assessment of various parts of a program and a measure of intended goals. Program evaluation is done for a variety of purposes, including […]

Benefits of Electronic Health Records

Benefits of Electronic Health Records Write a 350- to 700-word article for the paper in which you: Explain the functions and advantages of using EHRs. Explain the relationship between paper forms and EHRs. Describe the basic flow of information within a health care organization using EHRs. Cite any outside sources to support your assignment. Format your assignment according […]

Engagement Survey And Action Work Plan

Engagement Survey And Action Work Plan Assignment Content Resource: Employee Engagement Survey Results Imagine your health care organization conducted an employee engagement survey and received the results. Create a 3- to 4-page annual Action Work Plan. Your plan should: Define SMART goals, objectives, and strategies. Identify desired results. Define how success will be measured. Identify, analyze, and […]

Improving Medication Adherence in Diabetic Patients in Home

Improving Medication Adherence in Diabetic Patients in Home Once IRB approval for your proposal is obtained, learners will commence the implementation phase of the DPI Project. For the remainder of the course, learners are required to develop working drafts of Chapters 4 and 5 of the final DPI Project. These chapters will undergo further revision […]

Implementation Plan

Implementation Plan Develop a 5–7-page implementation plan addressing the various factors critical to the successful deployment of the new or upgraded telehealth technology that was the focus of the previous two assessments. Technology continues to move at an accelerated pace, and the delivery of health care is shifting from office-based environments to the home. For […]

Diabetes And Heart Disease

Diabetes And Heart Disease Abstract Patient care has received much attention in today’s healthcare system. It enhances the treatment plan by involving different health specialists in caring for the patient. Interdisciplinary approach involves elements such as leadership, teamwork, patient-centered practice, and through communications. The care providers ensure effective assessment of the condition thus meeting patient’s […]

The Business of Pop Culture

The Business of Pop Culture We have seen throughout this course how popular culture influences our attitudes, both positively and negatively. In this final paper, you will examine an artifact in pop culture to determine its message and effect. For this assignment, select an artifact that, in your opinion, unfairly creates a negative bias or […]