Entries by Alex

Structural Family Therapy Treatment Goals Essay Paper

Structural Family Therapy Treatment Goals Essay Paper You were introduced to a family in the structural family therapy demonstration video in this unit’s study (linked in Resources). Use the information about the family from the session you watched as your guide, and keep in mind what you read in each text (chapter 10) about goal […]

Counseling Theory- Psychoanalytic Theory Essay

Counseling Theory- Psychoanalytic Theory Essay The psychoanalytic approach emphasizes the importance of early childhood development and events.  Do you find that current problems are mostly rooted in early childhood events or influences?  To what extent do you believe people can resolve their adult problems that stem from childhood without exploring past events?  When you apply […]

Case Study Treatment Plan: The Assessment Process Essay

Case Study Treatment Plan: The Assessment Process Essay For this assignment, complete the Assessment Process sections of the treatment plan for your course project. This treatment plan is based on the case study you selected for your course project. You can review the case studies in the Case Study Treatment Plan media piece available in […]

Family Genogram Project Paper

Family Genogram Project Paper 1 COUN 601 Family Genogram Project Instructions Building Your Family Genogram Part I (GenoPro Genogram Software) A genogram (pronounced: jen-uh-gram) is “a pictorial representation of family relationships across several generations. It is a convenient organizing device to help you identify family patterns or develop hypotheses about family functioning” (GenoPro.com). The genogram resembles a family tree; […]

Counseling Theory- Theoretical Orientation Development Plan Paper

Counseling Theory- Theoretical Orientation Development Plan Paper Behavior Therapy or Cognitive Behavior therapy     Required Assignments (RAs) are substantive assignments intended to measure student performance against selected course objectives and/or program outcomes within a course. RAs are completed by all students across all Argosy University campuses and delivery formats without exception. Each RA contributes to […]

Using The Triage Assessment Form Paper Example

Using The Triage Assessment Form Paper Example Using the Triage Assessment Form After reading the case examples in the Myer and Conte (2006) article, you have a better understanding of how to use one type of assessment tool. A Microsoft Word copy of the Triage Assessment Form (TAF) is included in the assignment Resources. The […]

Psych 635 Ethics In Conditioning Research Paper

Psych 635 Ethics In Conditioning Research Paper Complete Parts 1 and 2 for this assignment. Part 1 Watch “Pavlov’s Experiments on Dogs” and “Pavlov’s Experiments on Children” in the Week Two Electronic Reserve Readings. Part 2 ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Prepare a research proposal for one of Pavlov’s research experiments involving children, adjusting it for current […]

Social Psychology Paper Example

Social Psychology Paper Example Research Proposal Paper: Each student will be asked to design a social psychological study. (The study should not be carried out.) The paper describing the study should be written in APA style and should contain: 1) a title page; 2) an abstract; 3) an introduction, or literature review (with at least […]

Self-Reflection: Hays Addressing Model Essay

Self-Reflection: Hays Addressing Model Essay Self-Reflection: Hays ADDRESSING Model Introduction All of us have multifaceted cultural identities, so you are likely to have experienced situations where you were in the cultural majority as well as others where you were in the cultural minority. This assignment will help you consider the influence of your cultural memberships […]