Entries by Alex

Connections Between the Course Readings and “real-life” Situations Essay

Connections Between the Course Readings and “real-life” Situations Essay     This assignment is intended to enhance your ability to make connections between the course readings and “real-life” situations and the everyday occurrence of cognitive processes as depicted in popular media and professional research sources. This is your opportunity to express your thoughts succinctly and […]

Nursing Literature Review Assignment Paper

Nursing Literature Review Assignment Paper Discussion: Literature Review Assignment Instructions Good paragraph structure requires a good topic sentence that connects well with the previous paragraph and communicates both the focus and organization of the paragraph (e.g., narrative, compare and contrast, process, etc.).   Post a well-written paragraph or two that effectively integrates content that you […]

Marriage Therapist Interview Assignment Paper

Marriage Therapist Interview Assignment Paper Marriage Therapist Interview Assignment Instructions   Overview Schedule and conduct an interview with a licensed marriage therapist or mental health professional. Analyze and discuss the merits and limitations of marriage counseling models and methods. The interview should address theological perspectives. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Instructions Summarize and submit […]

Learning Style Profile Essay Assignment

Learning Style Profile Essay Assignment Complete the Learning Style Profile and graph the results using the forms that are posted in this modules Learning content. Describe your primary profile orientation(s): Abstract Conceptualization, Reflective Observation, Concrete Experience, and Active Experimentation. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Describe your primary profile blend(s): Assimilator, Diverger, Accommodator, and Converger Discuss […]

Population/Clinic Essay Paper

Population/Clinic Essay Paper Project One Overview For the clinic specialty provided, select an article, and target population from the options provided below to complete your Project One Milestone and Project One assignments. Clinic Specialties Provided Article for Annotated Bibliography Select one article to use in your milestone that corresponds with the clinical specialty you select. […]

Gender a Determinant of Mental Health and Mental Illness Essay

Gender a Determinant of Mental Health and Mental Illness Essay Depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms, and high rates of comorbidity are significantly related to interconnected and co-occurrent risk factors, such as gender-based roles, stressors, and negative life experiences and events (World Health Organization, n.d.). In this discussion, review the research on treatment differences in genders Gender […]

Observation Techniques: Film Analysis Essay

Observation Techniques: Film Analysis Essay This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of a movie or a television episode depicting social psychology in the courtroom. After watching the movie segment, create a three- to four-page report on your analysis. In your report: ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Mention the name of the […]

PSY1012 Assignment Paper

PSY1012 Assignment Paper Please select and complete either Option A or Option B. Option A Step 1:  Watch the following Ted Talk at the following link:  What Reality are You Creating for Yourself? Step 2:  During the Ted Talk, Lidsky stated, “I learned that what we see is not universal truth. It is not objective reality. What we see […]

Week 3 Assignment Capstone 3 Paper

Week 3 Assignment Capstone 3 Paper Data Analysis View the videos “Reverse Scored Items and Subscales” and “Subscale Scoring” for examples of how to compute reverse-scored items and subscales. Complete all of the steps necessary to prepare your data for analysis.  Make sure each of the following steps has been completed: 1  All reverse-scored items […]

Qualitative Analysis and Design Essay Paper

Qualitative Analysis and Design Essay Paper Research Methodology – Peer Review For this discussion, complete the following: Select one of the methodological approaches you are considering for a proposed qualitative research study. Choose and describe the sampling strategy that will be used for this methodological approach if applied in the proposed study. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW […]