Entries by Alex

Discuss disparities related to ethnic and cultural groups relative to low birth weight infants and preterm births.

Discuss disparities related to ethnic and cultural groups relative to low birth weight infants and preterm births. Describe the impact of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and on the community (short-term and long-term, including economic considerations, on-going care considerations, and co-morbidities associated with prematurity). Identify at least one support service within your […]

Identify if bullying (also known as incivility or horizontal violence) was involved.

When Professional Cultures Clash  Professional cultures have been identified as potential barriers to effective collaboration. Levi discussed the role of power in conflict development and management.  Consider a time when you or a colleague experienced a clash of cultures with a professional from another health care discipline. Consider “culture” in its broadest definition, to include […]

Identify at least one specific skill that each generation brings to a team. •Explain the types and causes of conflict that are likely to occur within a multigenerational team.

For this assignment, write 4–5 pages in which you examine the interplay of the three generations working in nursing today. Overview Today’s nursing workforce is made up of women and men from a wide variety of cultures, races, religions, and sexual orientations. In addition, nurses and nursing leaders come from three different generations with different […]

dtgIdentify and describe an inpatient setting (e.g., acute inpatient units, inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing, etc.) and an outpatient setting to include the services provided, key personnel within the department, and how this department supports or is supported by other departments.

At some point in your professional career, you may work within or alongside inpatient and outpatient settings. Working in these settings can be similar to working in two completely different “health care worlds.” What exactly are the differences between outpatient and inpatient medicine? Fundamentally, inpatient means checking into the hospital or care facility, while outpatient […]

Examine the potential mutual benefits that are afforded to health care organizations and their respective customer populations when health care organizations design and manage all-encompassing customer experiences. Provide an example of such potential mutual benefits to support your rationale.

Please respond to the following: “Customer Experience Management” Examine the potential mutual benefits that are afforded to health care organizations and their respective customer populations when health care organizations design and manage all-encompassing customer experiences. Provide an example of such potential mutual benefits to support your rationale. Appraise the value of the innovation guidance for […]

Describe the determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease.

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance completing this assignment. Communicable Disease Selection Choose one communicable disease from the following list: Chickenpox Tuberculosis Influenza Mononucleosis Hepatitis B HIV […]

. Briefly describe the global health issue and its impact on the larger health care system

Select a global health issue impacting the international health community. Briefly describe the global health issue and its impact on the larger health care system (i.e., continents, regions, countries, states, and health departments). How can health care delivery systems work collaboratively to address global health concerns?Who are some of the stakeholders that may work on […]

Describe the      four common causes of chronic diseases.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2016, February). Chronic disease overview. Retrieved on 9/1/16 from http://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/overview/index.htm Mayo Clinic. (2016). Infectious diseases. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infectious-diseases/home/ovc-20168649 Stanbury, M., Anderson, H., Blackmore, C., Fagliano, J., Heumann, M., Kass, D., & McGeehin, M. (2012). Functions of environmental epidemiology and surveillance in state health departments. Journal of Public Health […]

 Define epidemiology and discuss how the epidemiology triad can be applied to health issues we see in the hospital?

Read chapter 4, 5 and 7 of the class textbook (Suacier Laundy, K & Janes S. (2016) Community Health Nursing. Caring for the Public’s Health (3rd ed). ISBN:  978-1-4496-9149-3) Once done please answer the following questions: 1.  Define epidemiology and discuss how the epidemiology triad can be applied to health issues we see in the hospital? 2. Epidemiology is […]