Entries by Alex

 Discuss the vaccination requirement in our state and tell me if they are given to prevent communicable of infectious disease.  Give examples.

APA style 600 words 3 Reference no older than 5 years 1.  In your own words and using the proper evidence-based references define communicable and infectious disease.  Discuss if there is any similarity and how they related each other.  Give some example of communicable disease and infectious disease and why they are classified like that. […]

Discussions are not just opinion to obtain full points, postings must be based on supported fact, not simply opinion. Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs.  Word totals for each post should be in the 100-200 words range.

Discussions are not just opinion to obtain full points, postings must be based on supported fact, not simply opinion. Posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs.  Word totals for each post should be in the 100-200 words range.  Whether you agree or disagree explain why with supporting […]

The intervention cannot require   a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population   not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe   needed to implement the change process.

eview the Topic Materials and the work completed in NRS-433V to   formulate a PICOT statement for your capstone project. A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular   clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise   from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent,   specified nursing change intervention. The intervention […]

Describe      the PMHNP practice environment for your      home state, highlighting restrictions or limitations for      practice.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following: Describe      the PMHNP practice environment for your      home state, highlighting restrictions or limitations for      practice. Compare      the PMHNP practice environment in your      home state with a neighboring state or a state in which you would like to practice ). Describe      a professional and […]