Entries by Alex

.  Discuss the vaccination requirement in our state and tell me if they are given to prevent communicable of infectious disease.  Give examples.

1.  In your own words and using the proper evidence-based references define communicable and infectious disease.  Discuss if there is any similarity and how they related each other.  Give some example of communicable disease and infectious disease and why they are classified like that. 2.  Discuss the vaccination requirement in our state and tell me […]

Discuss the vaccination requirement in our state and tell me if they are given to prevent communicable of infectious disease.  Give examples.

1.  In your own words and using the proper evidence-based references define communicable and infectious disease.  Discuss if there is any similarity and how they related each other.  Give some example of communicable disease and infectious disease and why they are classified like that. 2.  Discuss the vaccination requirement in our state and tell me […]

A descriptive and reflective discussion of how the new tool or intervention may be integrated into practice that is supported by sound research.

Based on the summary of research findings identified from the Evidence-Based Project—Paper on Diabetes that describes a new diagnostic tool or intervention for the treatment of diabetes in adults or children, complete the following components of this assignment: Develop a PowerPoint presentation (a title slide, 6- 10 slides, and a reference slide; no larger than […]

What is your four-letter typing result (ISJT) and what conclusions did you  come to in terms of agreeing if it accurately describes your overall  personality?

Instructions Personalities and Communication Myers-Briggs is a well-known personality typing test that identifies  strong areas of personality. Personality tests can be taken as part of  an interview process or in training to determine your best methods of  communication and how you also communicate with others. Click here (http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality)to take a 72-question personality test. You need […]

Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.

Details: Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory”: http://www.aone.org/resources/nurse-manager-skills-inventory.pdf Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below: Personal and professional accountability Career planning Personal journey disciplines Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets Discuss how you will use your current leadership […]

Describe the rationals for the following nursing intervention for a 75 year old lady/man. Use a minimum 2 complete sentences for each intervention.

Describe the rationals for the following nursing intervention for a 75 year old lady/man. Use a minimum 2 complete sentences for each intervention. Oxygenation: O2 therapy and breathing treatments. Dehydration: Encourage fluid intake. Safety:Instruct how to be safe at home. Polypharmacy: Educate pt on reasons why knowing their meds and proper dosages. Give the rationales […]