Entries by Alex

Sex Work Criminalization Essay

Sex Work Criminalization Essay Introduction The article authored by Ine Vanwesenbeeck titled Sex Work Criminalization Is Barking Up the Wrong Tree and published in June 2017 is one of the most relevant sources to the research project on the need for the US to decriminalize prostitution. The article was initially published on the Archives of […]

The Ethical Perspective of Euthanasia

The Ethical Perspective of Euthanasia Question one Euthanasia is the act of killing somebody to end their pain and suffering. (“Ethics of euthanasia – introduction,” 2014). I would consider euthanasia unethical as it involves taking away human life. Question Two The man intended to relieve pain and suffering for the wife. Ethical relativism is the […]

Beliefs that enhance self-awareness assignment

Beliefs that enhance self-awareness assignment Watch the brief video on identifying beliefs, incorporating self-awareness, and employing empathy by clicking on the link below.    After reviewing the video, think about how you are going to create presence. LinkedIn Learning Module:  Identify beliefs to enhance self-awareness (Links to an external site.) Use the video to create a resume […]

Strategies for Academic Portfolios Discussion Assignment

Strategies for Academic Portfolios Discussion Assignment Week V Discussion: Strategies for Academic Portfolios This Week’s Discussion asks you to consider and share strategies for building your portfolio. To Prepare: Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements. Review one or more samples from your own […]

Elective Surgery Discussion Essay

Elective Surgery Discussion Essay Discuss the major differences between surgical and medical asepsis and how they differ in the nursing care of a patient. Provide the rationale for each example, as well as an example of when each would be used. Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics, including formal language, grammar, and […]

Therapeutic Interventions For Clients With Severe Anxiety Or Panic Assignment

Therapeutic Interventions For Clients With Severe Anxiety Or Panic Assignment 150 Words In this discussion, we’ll discuss anxiety, effective and ineffective interventions, and stress management. Please include the following in your initial posting: Describe a client from your clinical setting or work who experienced severe anxiety or panic. Include a brief history and three most […]

Clinical Community Psychiatric Mental Health Observation Assignment

Clinical Community Psychiatric Mental Health Observation Assignment Name_____________________________________________   Date____________________   NUR2488 Mental Health Nursing – Winter 2021   Clinical Community Psychiatric Mental Health  Observation   Each student is expected to select a Community Mental Health Observation by discussing the options with their clinical instructor. See page 2.  After attending the observation (in person or virtual), […]

Cardiovascular System and Dysrhythmias Assignment

Cardiovascular System and Dysrhythmias Assignment Perfusion Cardiovascular System and Dysrhythmias Rapid Reasoning Virtual Simulation  Mr. Schmidt is a 62-year-old man who had 3 vessel CABG 2 days ago.  He was transferred to the cardiac telemetry floor yesterday and is currently progressing per his plan of care for discharge tomorrow.  He had his chest tubes removed […]

Scheduling and Staffing Assignment

Scheduling and Staffing Assignment Competency Collaborate in healthcare delivery systems settings for improved patient outcomes. Scenario You are making a staffing assignment knowing that you are short-staffed. You have five registered nurses (RNs), two licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and two nursing assistants. Those nine employees need to provide a 12-hour shift of services to 30 […]

Criminal Minds Assignment

Criminal Minds Assignment You are assigned a criminal mind project This assignment is about focusing on an infamous person with a mental disorder. You need to identify and present significance in the following areas: childhood, late adolescent/ early twenties, family influence, diagnosis/treatment (including meds if prescribed), substance abuse/alcohol, the infamous act/traumatic event, incarceration, death, where […]