Entries by Alex

Raising Awareness About HIV Essay

Raising Awareness About HIV Essay Thank you for sharing  Raising awareness about HIV. Do you know if Florida’s legislation is currently working on this initiative? I often scan through what is going on in the state of New Hampshire and look at the list of Bills. Sometimes I find some of what is on the […]

NUR4636 – Community Health Nursing Essay

NUR4636 – Community Health Nursing Essay NUR4636 – Community Health Nursing Case Study Chapter 14 Theoretical Basis of Community/Public Health Nursing Public health nursing is a community-oriented, population-focused nursing specialty that is based on interpersonal relationships. The unit of care is the community or population rather than the individual, and the goal is to promote […]

Nursing Homework Help Research Paper

Nursing Homework Help Research Paper Discussion #4 Discussion #4: Develop  your own sampling strategy based upon your PICOT question by responding  to the questions below. Make sure you support your answers with the  literature. Provide both in-text citations and a reference list. A State your PICOT. Define your target population and proposed sample. B Discuss […]

Nursing homework help Discussion

Nursing homework help Discussion Main Post Paragraph 1: Evaluate an argumentative point Choose a reading from the assigned pages in your textbook and note how the author addresses an argumentative point in the body of the article (in other words, not in the introduction paragraph(s) nor in the conclusion paragraph(s). Work to find a body point […]

Nursing Formulation of Research Question Discussion

Nursing Formulation of Research Question Discussion Discussion Question Formulating the Research Question, Problem Statement, Research Purpose In the Week 1 discussion forum you had an opportunity to present a potential problem and an innovative solution specific to your role specialization. In addition, you have reviewed the literature to identify qualitative and quantitative research articles and submitted annotated […]

Bipolar Disorder Discussion Paper

Bipolar Disorder Discussion Paper Bipolar Disorder Discussion Why  do you think some people with bipolar disorder don’t want to take their  psychiatric medications? What do you think about legislation to force  people to take medications? What are the pros and cons as you see them? ORDER A PLAGIARISM-FREE PAPER HERE Create an initial post by […]

Logical Fallacies Presentation Paper

Logical Fallacies Presentation Paper Instructions For this assignment, complete the following: · Review from the lesson and textbook readings the types of logical fallacies and examples. · Locate three advertisements online that were posted no later than one year ago. The advertisements may be any of the following types, and they do not need to all […]

Application of Information to Professional Experiences Purpose Paper

Application of Information to Professional Experiences Purpose Paper Purpose The purpose of the graded collaborative discussions is to engage faculty and students in an interactive dialogue to assist the student in organizing, integrating, applying, and critically appraising knowledge regarding advanced nursing practice. Scholarly information obtained from credible sources as well as professional communication are required. […]

Screening, Evaluation, and Management of Hypertension Presentation

Screening, Evaluation, and Management of Hypertension Presentation Screening, evaluation, and management of Hypertension. Primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and congestive heart failure. Evaluation of Chest Pain. Rheumatic Fever prevention Infective Endocarditis, Rheumatic heart, and valvular disease Evaluation of Syncope, Palpitations, Asymptomatic Systolic Murmur. Atrial Fibrillation, ventricular irritability, and angina. ORDER A PLAGIARISM-FREE […]

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation And Patient Case Presentation

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation And Patient Case Presentation Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation and Patient Case Presentation Chief Complaint I don’t have to give my name, people are after me, and I have to be careful.”   V.O. is a 35-year-old African American female who presented to ED with erratic and bizarre behavior. Patient was brought in because […]