Entries by Alex

Human Services Values Resources

Human Services Values Resources Resources Discussion Participation Scoring Guide. Reflect on the human services values described in this unit’s reading in An Introduction to Human Services, addressing the following: Which human services value is the most difficult for you to practice? Include an example of a situation that encompasses that value and why it would be […]

The Psychoanalytic Approach Paper

The Psychoanalytic Approach Paper The psychoanalytic approach emphasizes the importance of early childhood development and events.  Do you find that current problems are mostly rooted in early childhood events or influences?  To what extent do you believe people can resolve their adult problems that stem from childhood without exploring past events?  When you apply this […]

Case Study Treatment Plan: The Assessment Process

Case Study Treatment Plan: The Assessment Process For this assignment, complete the Assessment Process sections of the treatment plan for your course project. This treatment plan is based on the case study you selected for your course project. You can review the case studies in the Case Study Treatment Plan media piece available in the […]

Psych 635 Ethics In Conditioning Research

Psych 635 Ethics In Conditioning Research Complete Parts 1 and 2 for this assignment. Part 1 Watch “Pavlov’s Experiments on Dogs” and “Pavlov’s Experiments on Children” in the Week Two Electronic Reserve Readings. Part 2 Prepare a research proposal for one of Pavlov’s research experiments involving children, adjusting it for current principles of ethical guidelines Read the article […]

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues And Resources

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues And Resources Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission: Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue. Outline […]

Reflection Paper In Nursing

Reflection Paper In Nursing Pre-requisites for person-centred care: reflective paper  Task Description: During PEP, you will regularly encounter clinical episodes that both challenge and enhance your developing professional practice. The purpose of this task is to generate a reflective paper focussed on ONE of the five ‘prerequisites’ of the person-centred nursing framework. These ‘prerequisites’ are considered the […]

Health Care Organization

Health Care Organization Research a health care organization or a network that spans several states within the U.S. (Example: United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Healthcare, etc.). Harvard Business Review Online and Hoover’s Company Records, found in the GCU Library, are useful sources. You may also find pertinent information on your organization’s webpage. Review “Singapore Airlines Case […]

Discussion: Special Topics In Child And Adolescent Psychiatry

Discussion: Special Topics In Child And Adolescent Psychiatry Many children face special issues that impact everyday life, whether it is within themselves, their families, or their environment. The PMHNP must be sensitive to these many issues that children and adolescents are faced with during important developmental years. In this Discussion, you select a special population […]

Policy and Regulation Supporting Informatics and Technology Integration

Policy and Regulation Supporting Informatics and Technology Integration Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload Transcript Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Policy and Regulation [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Learning Objectives Students will: Evaluate legislative policies and regulations for health and nursing informatics Create fact sheets for health and nursing informatics Analyze impact of legislative policies and regulations for […]