Entries by Alex

Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment

Healthcare Project About Cloud Computing Assignment Project outline Each group has to  pick one technological issue in healthcare information field (for example Comparison of two EMR products, Security breaches in health care technology, barriers in creating electronic health exchanges etc.  It can be anything that you deem appropriate for this class). You have to work […]

Administrative Challenges Facing Todays Practice Managers Analysis

Administrative Challenges Facing Todays Practice Managers Analysis Description Physician practices are a key component of the U.S. healthcare system. According to the text, a significant amount of revenue that the healthcare industry generates can be directly linked to the care that physicians provide for their patients. In addition, physicians in a medical practice add to […]

Healthcare Delivery and Systems Health and Medical Discussion

Healthcare Delivery and Systems Health and Medical Discussion Description According to the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016, the U.S. ranked 29 of the 195 countries evaluated in their annual report. Review the information on the following link: https://www.mdmag.com/medical-news/us-ranks-29th-in-global-healthcare-access-and-quality-index What can healthcare professionals in the US do to improve the quality of […]

Health And Medical Assignment Discussion Questions

Health And Medical Assignment Discussion Questions Description 1. We hear stories in the news about cases of medical malpractice that could have been prevented. For your initial post, conduct research for ways to prevent medical malpractice cases. Provide at least 3 ways to prevent these types of cases. How will these prevention measures lead to […]

Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply

Hospital Emergency Management Committee Discussion Reply Description Add to each post with 150 words and reference your work Post One: Developing a hospital emergency management committee is the first step to make a good disaster plan for the hospital. Most of the hospitals have a management committee. The purpose of this committee is to provide […]

Types of Facilities in The US Health Care System Discussion Post

Types of Facilities in The US Health Care System Discussion Post Description This is a discussion post. Please create an initial and a reply post – After you have read chapters 7-9 of your textbook, you have learned about different types of healthcare delivery systems used in the US. The online information on accreditation helped […]

Mod 2 Utilization of The Influenza Vaccine PICOT Question Project

Mod 2 Utilization of The Influenza Vaccine PICOT Question Project Description Clinical Question – Formulate a clinical question using the PICOT format. P: Patient Population I: Intervention or area on Interest C: Comparison intervention or group O: Outcome ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW T: Time Ex: “In acute care hospitals (patient population), how does […]

HCS475 Leadership and Management Characteristics Summary

HCS475 Leadership and Management Characteristics Summary Description Assignment Content You need to be aware of the intertwining nature of management and leadership as you look for a management position. Traditionally, leadership is viewed as a subset of management. Management without leadership lacks inspiration to drive change. Employers generally include management skills and leadership expectations within […]

Health Informatics Case Study Discussion Paper

Health Informatics Case Study Discussion Paper Description The Case Study at the end of Chapter 5 of your textbook. Develop an APA formatted 3 to 4 page paper that answers the following questions: (Please keep in mind that in addition to answering the questions, you must provide significant analysis and critical thinking. This means you […]

Principals and Ethics in Healthcare Essay Paper

Principals and Ethics in Healthcare Essay Paper Description MODULE 02 COURSE PROJECT : PRINCIPALS AND ETHICS IN HEALTHCARE Policies are an integral component of an employee handbook. This week for your project, you will create an employee policy relating to HIPAA to include in your employee handbook. In a minimum of 2 pages, include the […]