Entries by Alex

Nurse Menovich Believes

Nurse Menovich Believes Janice Menovich, a nurse manager on an oncology unit, is trying to increase the skill mix from 50% registered nurses (RNs) to 62% RNs. Nurse Menovich believes that it is essential to have a high percentage of RNs because of the chemotherapy that they are required to administer. Jessie Salee, a nurse […]

Descriptive And Reflective Discussion

Descriptive And Reflective Discussion This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. As a group, identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in adults or children. The article must be relevant to nursing practice. […]

Curriculum Models In Nursing Education

Curriculum Models In Nursing Education There are many established and emerging curriculum design models. In a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following: Describe three curriculum design models. Identify the level of nursing education for which each model would be most appropriate. Describe advantages and disadvantages of each model for the learner. Describe advantages and disadvantages […]

Introduction To Target Community & Program

Introduction To Target Community & Program REQUIRED COMPONENTS for Assignment #2: Introduction to Target Community & Program Intervention Sample and Program     The assignment should be typed out on a word document in APA format. Each paragraph should consist of 5-6 complete sentences. The assignment should consist of 1,500- to 2,500-words (excluding references and title pages). This […]

Discussion Assignment Urinary Incontinence

Discussion Assignment Urinary Incontinence Question 1 0 out of 10 points       Mrs. Doe is 68 years old, 30 hours post-stroke with left hemiparesis. Her bedding is wet and her urine is dark amber with a foul smell. Mrs. Doe is asking for an indwelling catheter.         Selected Answer: All […]

Factors That Influence The Development Of Psychopathology

Factors That Influence The Development Of Psychopathology In many realms of medicine, objective diagnoses can be made: A clavicula is broken.  An infection is present. TSH levels meet the diagnostic criteria for hypothyroidism. Psychiatry, on the other hand, deals with psychological phenomena and behaviors. Can these, too, be “defined objectively and by scientific criteria (Gergen, […]

Christian World View And Education Patients On The DASH Diet

Christian World View And Education Patients On The DASH Diet Need a 500 word paper on Christian worldview pertains to the way Christians see the world, their relationship to God, and how they interpret interactions with their environment. In what way did you incorporate your Christian worldview into your work with the DPI Project? Support your position with […]

Discussion Alcohol And Drug Rehabilitation

Discussion Alcohol And Drug Rehabilitation Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced […]

Discussion And Assignments Community Policing

Discussion And Assignments Community Policing Discussion 1.Discuss the four traditional key measures used to evaluate police. Do you believe these are sufficient to gain an accurate assessment of officers? 2.In your city, which of the Houston Police Department’s techniques for reducing the fear of crime might be most effective? Why? Assignment-1500 words 1. In his […]

Ethics in Society Project

Ethics in Society Project Instructions: This assignment requires that you construct a PowerPoint (or similar) presentation that explores the ethics behind a social justice cause or movement. People join social justice movements to achieve equity, inclusion, and justice for entities such as humans, nonhuman animals, and the environment. Select a social justice movement and discuss how […]