Entries by Alex

Family Structures Discussion

Family Structures Discussion Abstract “Family structure” is a term that describes the members of a household who are linked by marriage or bloodline and is typically used in reference to at least one child residing in the home under the age of 18. Today these structures are identified as two-parent, one-parent, and “living with neither […]

Discussion Aggressive Behavior

Discussion Aggressive Behavior Provide a substantive contribution that advances the discussion in a meaningful way by identifying strengths of the posting, challenging assumptions, and asking clarifying questions. Your response is expected to reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views and writings. Reference your sources using […]

Discussion Positive Psychology

Discussion Positive Psychology Chapter 9 Becoming and Being Wise Developing Wisdom Many theorists argue that wisdom develops from knowledge, cognitive skills and personality factors. Understanding culture and the environment also considered vital. Mentors are believed to be an important mechanism for developing wisdom “Two heads are better than one” ORDER A PLAGIARISM – FREE PAPER NOW Wise People and […]

Human Responsibility for the Environment

Human Responsibility for the Environment Assignment   In Module/Week 5, you must write a 1,000–1,200-word ethical argument essay from the thesis/outline that you submitted in Module/Week 4. Your assignment is to develop an ethical essay following the Rogerian Model of argument. The research sources for this essay have been provided for you in our course. Any additional […]

Understanding human behavior and the social environment

Understanding human behavior and the social environment Respond to at least two colleague’s post in one of the following ways: o   From a strength’s perspective, critique your colleague’s approach to addressing Francine’s case. Provide support for your critique.  o   Critique your colleague’s strategy for applying knowledge of the aging process to work with older clients. Discuss how cultural, […]

Applying Critical Thinking Reflections

Applying Critical Thinking Reflections Title of Paper Triple click your mouse anywhere in this paragraph to replace this text with your introduction. Often the most important paragraph in the entire essay, the introduction grabs the reader’s attention—sometimes a difficult task for academic writing. When writing an introduction, some approaches are best avoided. Avoid starting sentences […]

Person-Centered Interviews: Coping Strategies

Person-Centered Interviews: Coping Strategies Eight categories of coping strategies were identified: avoidance behavior, utilizing supportive others, taking medications, enacting cognitive strategies, controlling the environment, engaging spirituality, focusing on well-being, and being employed or continuing their education. The 16 individuals who identified strategies typically identified multiple strategies. Use of strategies varied, with some used consistently and […]

Achieving Individuals With a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Manage Their Symptoms

Achieving Individuals With a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Manage Their Symptoms Abstract Objective: The study objective was to elucidate coping strategies utilized by individuals recovered from schizophrenia. Methods: This qualitative study enrolled individuals with schizophrenia who had reached a level of recovery defined by their occupational status. Diagnosis of schizophrenia was confirmed with the Structured Clinical […]

Feminism History of Women in Psychology

Feminism History of Women in Psychology Introduction to the Psychology of Women Definitions: Sex and Gender Women and Men: Similar or Different? Similarities Approach Differences Approach Feminism History of Women in Psychology ■ GET INVOLVED 1.1: How Do People View Feminism? Women and the American Psychological Association Women’s Contributions History of the Psychology of Women […]

Psychology Paper Assignment

Psychology Paper Assignment Each student will identify a movie or television show that you believe relates to one or more of the topics of we have studied this semester, and write a paper (approximately 5-8 pages) analyzing the themes related to the psychology of women explored within the show. The student will identify the movie/TV […]