Entries by Alex

Discussion: Mediation and Moderation

Discussion: Mediation and Moderation Mediator and moderator are important in research because most research focuses on the relationship between two variables which are independent variables (IV) and dependent variables (DV). With these variables there are many possible outcomes. According to Baron, R.M, & Kenny, D.A. (1986), states that a mediator variable is one that explains […]

Discussion: Drug Policies and Ethics

Discussion: Drug Policies and Ethics The NASW Code of Ethics provides social workers with guidelines and standards for interacting with clients, colleagues, communities, and society, as a whole. These standards govern interactions and professional behavior of social work practitioners. The NASW has also developed specific standards, which are published in the NASW Standards for Social Work […]

DISCUSSION: Theories of Life-Span Development

DISCUSSION: Theories of Life-Span Development Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2016) stated, “We need theories to guide our thinking and our work so that we may undertake research-informed practice” (p. 127-128). At the same time, the authors asserted, “No theory will be perfectly applicable. Perhaps you will decide that only one or two concepts make any sense […]

Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help 1. Responded to message below. Should be at least 250 words. Responses should be informative and contribute to advancing knowledge of the topic. Include at least 2 APA-cited references. Frank, Greitzer & Holimer (2011) makes powerful augments about the difficulties surrounding the trail before the fact. I agree with them. It really […]

Case Study the treatment plan

Case Study the treatment plan Carefully read over the following case and then, using your DSM-5, complete the form that follows, all the way through the treatment plan. Take the time and explore differential diagnosis, cultural factors, life experience, and circumstances. There may not be enough information provided within the case to substantially fill in […]

Assessment For Client With Disorder

Assessment For Client With Disorder Kyle was a 12-year-old boy who reluctantly agreed to admission to a psychiatric unit after getting arrested for breaking into a grocery store. His mother said she was “exhausted,” adding that it was hard to raise a boy who “doesn’t know the rules.” Beginning as a young child, Kyle was […]

Decoding The Ethics Code

Decoding The Ethics Code Respond in 1000 words with three or more scholarly references. Use citations, cite your references. Please use attachment to answer question. Cite every sentence with content from your sources. There are a few ways to do that including just putting the citation at the end of each sentence.   What did you […]

Personality Chapter For General Psychology

Personality Chapter For General Psychology Personality Chapter Someone insults you and you spend the next two hours imagining the things you could have (or should have) said to humiliate them. According to Freud, you are engaging in free association. Select one: True False The BEST kind of personality test is one that is _______. Select […]

Psychology Homework Assignment

Psychology Homework Assignment Who can complete my exam asap!!!! A functionalist would likely ask which one of the following questions about socially assistive robots? a. How will socially assistive robots affect interaction? b. What meanings do people assign to socially assistive robots? c. Who benefits from socially assistive robots and at whose expense? d. What […]

Discussion: Parenting and Substance Abuse

Discussion: Parenting and Substance Abuse As a social worker, you will meet children and adolescents who are in complicated family situations and may require a variety of resources for support. There are many times when these situations involve drug abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, and/or neglect. If these factors are present within a child’s or […]